Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

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While reading this it's a good idea to keep an open mind

Are You Healthy or Simply Managing Sickness?

  • At your checkup, does your doctor tell you that you are healthy, but you know that you don’t feel well?
  • Do you visit countless specialists such as psychologists, psychiatrists, dentists, optometrists? This is because virtually every human services bureaucracy views the human body in separate parts.

Are you tired of endless specialist visits & endless labels?

endless specialist visits

Most of us wait until problems present themselves in virtually anything in life from car problems to health and relationship/social problems. What if we tried to find the root causes of these problems instead of going to endless specialists and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost time, productivity and missed opportunities?

Better yet, what if we tried to prevent these problems in the first place since many have said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?"

Benefits Of This Service

This service provides a distinctive and scientifically advanced method to identify deficiencies, excesses, organ dysfunction, and various other measurable concepts. By utilizing this approach, we can effectively help the body prevent and reverse numerous diseases that stem from cellular nutritional deficiencies and subsequent cellular dysfunction. This innovative technique offers a functional and biochemically tailored solution to address the root causes of illnesses.

Our state-of-the-art diagnostic methods employ a combination of approximate and accurate analysis techniques to thoroughly investigate cells at a microscopic scale. With our comprehensive range of services including Cellular Nutrition, Cardiovascular Health, and Epi-Genetic (which trumps 'genetics') Predisposition, we provide groundbreaking solutions tailored to cater to your individual requirements..

Common Conditions Seen by a Registered Systems Nutritionist:

  • Allergies, Asthma, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Digestive Complaints, Gastric Reflux, Bowel Problems (constipation, IBS, Crohns, Celiac, Diverticulitis, Colitis), Elevated Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Weight Management, Detoxification, Fungal Yeast Infections, PMS, Depression, Headaches
  • "Mental illnesses" such as: schizophrenia, severe depression, hallucinations, "hearing voices," bipolar disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and many more

Where Does The Field Of Systems Nutrition Come From?

Systems Nutrition is based on orthomolecular medicine which was a term coined by 2 time Novel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling who is popular for making large doses of Vitamin C popular around the world back in the 1970s.

orthomolecular founders
  • Step #1: free phone call
  • Step #2: Intake forms
  • Step #3: Analysis
  • Step #4: Consultation
Step #1: free phone call
In this free phone/video call we will explore your health concerns/goals and what I can do to assist you.
Step #2: Intake forms
In this step #2 I will send you by email, fax or another method all the forms to be completed by you, the participant.
Step #3: Analysis
Step #3 is where I analyze all the information you sent me. Here I perform my analysis by combining all your health history, symptomatology factors plus other observations into a holistic analysis based on systems science.
Step #4: Consultation
Step #4 is where I present the findings from your analysis by email/fax or other method to make sure you receive the results. I also book a phone/video call with you to discuss the findings.

Free Consultation

Free 30 Minute Phone Call


  • Explore your health goals
  • Dave offers helpful tips and explains what he does to help you
  • Explore plans and features.
  • Overview of past medical and health testing may be discussed.

Initial Consultation

Includes 1 hour phone call


  • Dave dispenses questionnaires & testing methods
  • Dave sends you material to be completed by the client
  • Dave offers other testing, if required, to be completed by client.
  • More past information, such as blood and tissue tests, may be required.

Follow-up Consultation

Includes 1 hour phone call & Email Support


  • Dave delivers actionable health goals to complete
  • Dave discusses results of the testing and other observations
  • Further appointments are made
  • Dave offers other testing, if required, to be completed by client.

There are currently four primary methods available for testing elements, each with its own pros and cons. Among these methods, whole blood testing is widely recognized and commonly used to assess nutritional elements. However, it's important to note that this method only provides a snapshot of element transportation (blood is connective tissue) to and from storage areas in the body, rather than offering a comprehensive view.   

Also, Medical Doctors are not allowed, do not possess funding for, and not sigificant training in analyzing the cellular nutritional status of the cells of the body. 

"Doctors aren't trained in nutrition or metabolism" is what I heard and it certainly is true, but the truth of it should be more accurate:  "MDs are not trained in integrative cellular nutrition and metabolism."  Integrative is another word for "holistic" and "systems."

I heard this repeated countless times when growing up but the way the people spoke about it -- who were mainly the females in my life -- was that it was concentrating on "good foods" to eat.  This was often vegetables, fruits and other "not manly foods" while the men in my life encouraged the consumption of meat, cheese, and never spoke about measureable amounts of substances in the body. 

Rarely any  of these people in my life spoke about the view of measuring the substance in these foods and the levels present in the body or made recommendations who to consult about this.   

When they did recommend a practitioner or something else, they were using buzzwords such as "holistic" and "nutrition" but these became meaningless over the years when I saw the same people looking and acting worse each year.  In essense there were well-meaning, but not very healthy role models in my life that were able to properly communicate these issues.  This is probably very common with many as well.

All of these tissue testing types can and are often used in combination with hair tissue mineral analysis as well as systems practitioner questionnaires, physical and behavior observations.  It's often very common for the output graph we use to highly correlate with the hair tissue mineral analysis tests as well as others. This often is very surprising even to the most skeptical clients.

Testing Methods We Use

The 4 major tissue type tests along with their individual advantages and disadvantages are:

Test Advantages Disadvantages
Whole Blood Very widely accepted, recognized and used in reductionist medical system May not reflect tissue levels and is only "snap shot in time" without showing a history that other tissues and testing methods do.
Erythrocytes (RBC) Intracellular Levels (within cells) Measures only 1 cell type 
Urine   Reveals losses  Shows only losses
Hair Intra-cellular levels & Long-term systems view Potential for contamination
Symptomatology Questionnaires Intra-cellular & Inter-cellular & long-term systems view Not "static" and not showing quantiafible numbers Is qualitative high approximation of total body processes. Can be used alone as a high approximation or more accuratecombined with quantifiable above MD and specialized tests
Physical Observations Fingernails, skin, hair, eyes and others provide valuable insight combined with other testing methods. Solely relying on these elements does not yield more precise approximations or exact measurements.

Cellular nutritional symptomatology questionnaires

Determining one's cellular nutritional status is crucial for maintaining good health. Nutritional symptomatology offers a reliable method to assess this status.

By answering a comprehensive set of 600 questions that are tailored to your current dietary habits and supplement intake, you can gain valuable insights into your body's needs. This symptomatic review provides more accurate results compared to traditional blood tests.

It allows you and me (your practitioner) to identify nutritional weaknesses even before they manifest in laboratory tests, enabling you to take preventive action. Rather than waiting for diseases to develop, you can proactively address any deficiencies or toxicities.

Combining these symptomatology results with "hard science" results from blood, hair and other tissues along with other testing methods provides the most accurate picture of your cellular health.

A detailed report will be provided, outlining your specific nutrient deficiencies and toxicity levels. With this information, you can make informed decisions to build and maintain your overall health.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Blood tests have traditionally been used as the go-to "conventional" method for assessing mineral levels, but they often fall short in accuracy for humans and animals. This is because an animal's (and human's) intake of food and water can fluctuate throughout the day, causing the mineral levels in their bloodstream to vary. The timing of the blood draw may not align with the horse's (and human's) feeding and supplement routine, leading to misleading results. While blood work provides a snapshot of mineral levels at a specific moment, it doesn't guarantee that these minerals are efficiently absorbed and utilized by the horse's (and humans) tissues. In some instances, the minerals may linger in the bloodstream in a form that is difficult to absorb, eventually being eliminated by the liver or kidneys. Therefore, relying solely on blood tests may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the horse's mineral status.

“That was the beginning of a story in which hair analysis was sometimes glorified, sometimes condemned, sometimes accepted, sometimes not accepted.” -- Hans Sachs,History of hair analysis, Forensic Science International 84 (1997) 7-16,https://dokumen.tips/documents/history-of-hair-analysis.html?page=1

It is truly astonishing that even after 165 years, this fact remains unchanged – regardless of the alarming decline in our overall health! Over the past six decades, hair analysis has been employed extensively to examine minerals for various fields such as soil science, plant nutrition, animal nutrition, and human nutrition. Through this pioneering technology, researchers have gained invaluable insights into the impact of macro and trace minerals on the well-being of plants, animals, and humans, shedding light on the crucial role of these minerals in maintaining optimal health.

Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a cutting-edge analytical test that accurately measures the mineral content of your hair. By sampling the hair closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck, we can obtain valuable insights into your mineral status and potential toxic metal accumulation. Our licensed clinical laboratory utilizes advanced chemical and high temperature digestive procedures to prepare the hair samples for testing. We then employ state-of-the-art detection equipment and methods to ensure the utmost accuracy and precision in our results.

One of the key advantages of HTMA is that hair is an ideal tissue for sampling and testing. It can be easily and painlessly cut, requiring no special handling requirements during transportation to the lab. Moreover, clinical studies have demonstrated that a properly obtained hair sample can provide valuable information about your mineral status and the accumulation of toxic metals over both short and long-term periods of exposure. What sets HTMA apart from other tests is its ability to reveal the intricate metabolic world within your cells.

Unlike most other tests, HTMA provides a blueprint of the biochemistry that occurs during the period of hair growth and development. This unique perspective allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your body's internal processes and identify any imbalances or deficiencies that may be affecting your overall health.

By choosing HTMA, you are opting for a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding your body's mineral status. Our cutting-edge technology and rigorous testing procedures ensure that you receive the most accurate and precise results possible. Take control of your health today and unlock the valuable insights that HTMA can provide.

Why test for minerals?

Trace minerals play a crucial role in various metabolic functions throughout our entire life.

  • Zinc, for instance, is not only involved in the production, storage, and secretion of insulin but also plays a vital role in the synthesis of growth hormones. On the other hand, magnesium is essential for maintaining normal muscular function, particularly in the heart.
  • A deficiency in magnesium has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, as well as feelings of anxiety and nervousness.
  • Additionally, potassium is critical for facilitating the transport of nutrients into our cells. Without sufficient potassium, one may experience muscular weakness, depression, and lethargy.
  • While excess sodium has been associated with hypertension, it is important to note that our bodies still require adequate amounts of sodium for optimal health. As the late author and esteemed researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, once stated, trace elements or minerals are even more vital to human nutrition than vitamins. Unlike vitamins, our bodies have the ability to produce many vitamins internally, but we rely on external sources to obtain the necessary trace minerals. Furthermore, our bodies struggle to eliminate excess trace minerals, making it crucial to maintain a balanced intake.

What can cause a mineral imbalance?

There are numerous factors that can contribute to a mineral imbalance.

  • One of the main factors is diet. Consuming a diet that is high in refined and processed foods, alcohol, and following fad diets can all disrupt the chemical balance in the body. Even a seemingly "healthy" diet may not provide adequate nutrients if the food was grown in nutrient-depleted soil or prepared in a way that diminishes its nutrient content.
  • Stress is another significant factor that can deplete the body of essential nutrients. Both physical and emotional stress can hinder the absorption and utilization of nutrients, leading to imbalances.
  • Additionally, certain medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, can deplete the body's stores of vital minerals or increase the levels of toxic metals. Common medications like diuretics, antacids, aspirin, and oral contraceptives can have these effects.
  • Pollution is a pervasive source of toxic metals that can contribute to mineral imbalances. Throughout life, individuals are exposed to various sources of toxic metals, such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), anti-perspirants (aluminum), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminum cookware, and lead-based cosmetics. These sources, among many others, can disrupt nutrient balance and have adverse effects on metabolism. Improper use of nutritional supplements can also lead to mineral imbalances. Taking incorrect supplements or improper amounts of supplements can result in excessive or deficient levels of vitamins and minerals, further contributing to biochemical imbalances in the body. Lastly, inherited patterns play a role in mineral imbalances.
  • Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition towards certain imbalances, deficiencies, or excesses in minerals, which can be inherited from their parents.

Considering these factors, it is crucial to be mindful of our diet, manage stress effectively, use medications responsibly, minimize exposure to pollutants, and consult with healthcare professionals when considering nutritional supplements. By taking proactive steps, we can maintain a healthy mineral balance and promote overall well-being.

Minerals play a vital role in our body, acting as the essential "spark plugs" that fuel millions of enzyme reactions.

They provide valuable insights into the inner workings of our body, revealing crucial information about various aspects such as:

  • digestion,
  • blood sugar balance,
  • levels of toxic heavy metals,
  • inflammation,
  • thyroid function,
  • stress response, and much more.

By understanding the mineral composition, we gain a deeper understanding of our overall health and well-being.

Can vitamin requirements be determined through a mineral test?

The answer is yes. Minerals play a crucial role in our body's functioning, and they interact not only with each other but also with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This means that minerals have an impact on these factors, and vice versa. In fact, minerals act as enzyme activators, while vitamins act as coenzymes that work together with minerals. It is important to note that disturbances in mineral levels often coincide with disturbances in the corresponding vitamins. Similarly, disruptions in the utilization or activity of a vitamin can affect the levels of synergistic minerals.

For instance, vitamin C affects iron absorption and reduces copper retention, while boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2. The relationship between calcium and magnesium is influenced by vitamin B2, and vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention. Additionally, vitamin B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption, and vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc while antagonizing vitamins D and E. Furthermore, protein intake can also impact zinc status. Therefore, by evaluating mineral status, we can gain valuable insights into vitamin status and requirements. Ongoing research continues to uncover the intricate interrelationships between minerals and vitamins, both synergistic and antagonistic. By understanding these relationships, we can better determine our vitamin requirements and ensure optimal health.

Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis supported by research?

There is a wealth of research supporting the effectiveness of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Numerous reputable national and international scientific publications have published studies on this topic. In fact, over the last 15 years, there has been extensive research conducted on hair mineral testing. In fact, there is a wealth of literature supporting the use of hair tissue mineral analysis, which can be found in reputable scientific publications both nationally and internationally.

Over the course of the last twenty-five years, hair mineral testing has been widely conducted. In the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform more than 150,000 hair mineral assays annually, providing healthcare professionals with an invaluable screening tool for comprehensive patient evaluations. Additionally, countless subjects have been involved in ongoing research studies conducted by both private and government research agencies, further contributing to the extensive knowledge in this field.

Hair mineral analysis provides a unique perspective on an individual's body status, as it reflects a longer time frame compared to urine and blood tests. This means that it can capture information spanning several years. The higher levels of elements present in hair make it a more sensitive and accurate method of analysis. This has led to suggestions that hair mineral analysis can be a cost-effective way to screen individuals or monitor patients during potential toxic exposure or therapy.

However, the controversy surrounding the analysis of elements in hair arises from the fact that most studies only consider hair analysis as a single factor. By combining hair analysis with other factors such as symptomatology, blood and urine tests, and physical observations, the accuracy of hair mineral analysis can be significantly enhanced.

Where Did Systems Nutrition Come From?

The goals of orthomolecular treatment, according to Dr. Pauling, are to maintain health and prevent disease by altering the body's molecule concentrations of elements that are vital to life, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fats.
confused man

Still Not Convinced?

Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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Free health assessments offered

For a limited time we're offering a free cellular nutritional assessment (usually worth $50) for prevention and support of attempts to reverse health conditions. Contact us below for more information! Book your free assessment now! Also sign up for free email newsletter below