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What Science Is My Work Based On?

Ortho-molecular medicine involves the utilization of natural elements like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other vital nutrients to both prevent and treat illnesses. Linus Pauling, a chemist who won the Nobel Prize twice, introduced the term 'ortho-molecular' to explain the idea of employing the correct molecules in appropriate quantities to enhance overall well-being. It was the government of Saskatchewan that spear-headed and funded the team of provincially licensed medical doctors, scientists, researchers and many people that came up with the modern concept of viewing the human body as a botanist would a plant.

government saskatchewan orthomolecular medicine

This was my un-official mentor, Dr. Tom Barnard who was a practicing OHIP-funded Medical doctor in Windsor, Ontario. He was an ortho-molecular medical doctor who often bypassed the medical bureaucracy and hence the endless specialists. He often solved the problems his patients were experiencing in the first few visits -- often without drugs -- and that's a big reason he had over 30,000 patients compared to the regular "pill popping" medical doctor had only about 1,500.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Tommy Douglas, as a Baptist clergyman in Saskatchewan, bore witness to immense anguish and hardship. In 1924, Douglas enrolled at Brandon College, where he was introduced to and embraced the Social Gospel. He also became involved in church work and by 1930, the church offered him a permanent ministry. On Sundays, Douglas would preach and during the rest of the week, he dedicated his time to running relief programs aimed at alleviating the increasing hardships faced by farmers and families.

When Saskatchewan was hit by economic depression and drought, communities like Weyburn suffered greatly. Douglas understood that his relief efforts were crucial, but insufficient to address the challenges faced by families. In later years, he had to bury two young men who died due to their inability to afford medical care. This tragic experience only reinforced his belief that he could make a greater impact as a politician rather than solely from the pulpit.

The Honourable Thomas "Tommy" Douglas had a vision, constructed, and tirelessly advocated for our country's healthcare system. In 1959, his suggestion for a comprehensive, prepaid, and publicly managed healthcare system in Saskatchewan introduced the first program of its nature in North America. The Saskatchewan plan prompted the federal government to commence a nationwide approach to financially assist socialized medicine and aid provinces in transitioning towards a universal system.

In 1944, the people of Saskatchewan made history by electing the first socialist government in North America. At the helm was the visionary leader, Tommy Douglas, who had pledged to revolutionize the healthcare system. With unwavering determination, Douglas spent the next 17 years laying the foundation for a comprehensive national medicare program. Recognizing the importance of advancing medical research hand in hand with policy reforms, he brought together brilliant minds from across the globe to foster a culture of innovation and experimentation within the province.

By addressing molecular imbalances through extensive testing and physician expertise, this revolutionary therapy aims to restore the body's optimal environment. Originally focused on psychiatric diseases, orthomolecular therapy utilizes the precise adjustment of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids to achieve the most effective results.

This approach has paved the way from viewing the body as sub-components (reductionist science) to viewing and treating the body as a whole (systems science). This led to innovative treatments like intravenous vitamin C for cancer and sepsis, vitamin B6 for autism, zinc for eating disorders, and EFAs for ADHD. Emphasizing overall well-being, ortho-molecular medicine goes beyond simply treating diseases, striving to attain and sustain optimum health.

The concept behind the Saskatchewan plan aimed at constructing exceptional hospitals that would provide top-notch healthcare services, ensuring patients' complete recovery. These hospitals would offer extended stays of three to six, or even twelve months if required, ensuring patients receive the necessary care and attention. However, with the advent of groundbreaking drugs in the 1960s, "modern science" started questioning the need for these hospitals. Instead of building numerous smaller institutions to accommodate patients effectively, their approach shifted towards solely relying on medication and discharging them. Look to the present day for the results: streets filled with all sorts of people. If they are to find a medical doctor, they are on the endless medical maze of perpetual MD visits for new medications and early death from addictions, diabetes and many other label diseases.

From Dis-ease Focus to Wellness Focus

Chronic illnesses pose a substantial challenge globally, accounting for approximately 50% of the burden of disease according to the World Health Organization. In Canada, this issue is equally concerning, with over half (51.6%) of individuals aged 20 and above living with one or more chronic diseases. The long-lasting nature of these illnesses means that they can have a compounding impact on various aspects of an individual's life, including their social, physical, psychological, and economic well-being, as well as on society as a whole. The financial implications are also significant, with chronic diseases estimated to cost Canadians a staggering $68 billion in direct healthcare expenses and an additional $122 billion in productivity losses. It is crucial that we address this pressing issue and invest in preventive measures and effective management strategies to alleviate the burden of chronic diseases on both individuals and society.

Over the course of seven (70 years) decades, ortho-molecular medicine has experienced remarkable growth. Presently, the International Society for Ortho-molecular Medicine boasts an impressive membership of over 25 ortho-molecular medical societies and a vast network of tens of thousands of ortho-molecular practitioners across the globe.

The concepts classified as "ortho-molecules" consist of:

  • cellular nutrition
  • nutri-genomics
  • nutri-genetics
  • bio-chemistry
  • cell biology
  • pharmacology
  • physiology
  • toxicology
  • systems thinking

Over the course of seven (70 years) decades, orthomolecular medicine has experienced remarkable growth. Presently, the International Society for Ortho-molecular Medicine boasts an impressive membership of over 25 ortho-molecular medical societies and a vast network of tens of thousands of ortho-molecular practitioners across the globe-molecular medicine also considers the significance of macronutrients such as dietary proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Ortho-molecular research, knowledge, and application cover a wide range of domains.

  • nutrition
  • nutrigenomics
  • nutrigenetics
  • biochemistry
  • cell biology
  • pharmacology
  • physiology
  • toxicology

Fundamental principles of systems biology practice.

  1. Ortho-molecules take precedence in medical diagnosis and treatment. It is crucial to possess knowledge about the secure and efficient utilization of ortho-molecules.
  2. The risk of toxicity associated with ortho-molecules is exceptionally low especially compared to prescribed and non-prescribed drugs.
  3. Each individual possesses a distinct biochemical makeup, necessitating an evaluation and treatment tailored to their specific biochemical and metabolic characteristics.
  4. It is possible to treat nutrient-related disorders and cure deficiencies.
  5. The quantities of nutrients needed to achieve a therapeutic effect may exceed the recommended values of Dietary Reference Intakes and Reference Daily Intakes, which are designed for individuals in good health.
  6. Blood tests and other laboratory examinations may not always indicate the nutrient levels present in particular organs or tissues.
  7. Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of health problems, rather than just treating the symptoms, is crucial.
  8. A therapeutic trial may be warranted for a patient's condition if ortho-molecular treatments are known to be safe and potentially effective.
  9. The nutritional requirements of a patient evolve over time and with medical intervention, thus necessitating adjustments in nutrient recommendations.
  10. Assessing potential toxicity in patients is crucial due to the probability and consequences of food and environmental toxin exposures.
  11. It is important to use the lowest effective dose of medication when it is required, and to gradually decrease the dosage as the patient's recovery progresses.
  12. Denying the patient access to ortho-molecular information and treatment means denying them the opportunity to make an informed decision about any other treatment options available.
  13. Exposure to ortho-molecular information and therapies naturally fosters hope, which has therapeutic effects.
  14. The medical treatment must respect the patient's right to freedom of choice.

Read more about Orthomolecular Medicine:

Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Varying the Concentrations of Substances Normally Present in the Human Body May Control Mental Disease
Pauling, L. (1968) Science, Vol. 160, No. 3825

History of Orthomolecular Psychiatry
Hoffer, A. (1974) Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Vol. 3, No. 4; 223-230

Origins of Orthomolecular Medicine
Carter, S. (2019) Integrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal, Vol. 18 No. 3: 76–77

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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