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Hair tissue mineral analysis is typically a secondary and tertiary assessment

HTMA , at least in this practice, is a secondary or tertiary assessment and an extra cost to clients/participants after an initial symptomatology and past "conventional" medical assessment that costs extra. HTMA when combined with the above and other testing methods helps to further a systems or holistic assessment when more insight is needed.

What are the extreme importance of minerals in the human condition?

Minerals play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. They are not only necessary for growth and healing, but also for maintaining vitality. These incredible substances provide the much-needed support for our bones and teeth, ensuring their structural integrity. Additionally, minerals are responsible for regulating the body's pH levels, balancing water content, and facilitating nerve activity. They even contribute to muscle contractions, energy production, and enzyme reactions. In essence, minerals can be considered as the fundamental "ignition" that keeps the engine of life running smoothly.

It's common knowledge that incorporating vitamins into our diet is essential for warding off diseases and keeping ourselves healthy. However, what often goes unnoticed is the crucial role these intricate chemical compounds play in regulating our body's mineral absorption. Without minerals, vitamins lose their purpose. Surprisingly, even in the absence of vitamins, our bodies can still make use of certain minerals. Yet, without minerals, vitamins become utterly worthless.

“It is not commonly known that in the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function. Lacking vitamins, our system can make use of the minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.” -- In their enlightening book, "Know Your Nutrition," Dr. Charles Northern and Dr. Bernard Spur.

Hair mineral tissue analysis: what role do cellular imbalances and cellular toxins play?

Did you know that mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses often have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing? These imbalances can worsen conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, learning difficulties, and even hyperactivity in children. It's important to be aware of these potential risks and take steps to maintain a healthy balance in our bodies.

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” -- Dr. Linus Pauling who was the founder of modern day chemistry.

Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis supported by research?

There is a wealth of research supporting the effectiveness of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Numerous reputable national and international scientific publications have published studies on this topic. In fact, over the last 15 years, there has been extensive research conducted on hair mineral testing. In fact, there is a wealth of literature supporting the use of hair tissue mineral analysis, which can be found in reputable scientific publications both nationally and internationally.

Over the course of the last twenty-five years, hair mineral testing has been widely conducted. In the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform more than 150,000 hair mineral assays annually, providing healthcare professionals with an invaluable screening tool for comprehensive patient evaluations. Additionally, countless subjects have been involved in ongoing research studies conducted by both private and government research agencies, further contributing to the extensive knowledge in this field.

Hair mineral analysis provides a unique perspective on an individual's body status, as it reflects a longer time frame compared to urine and blood tests. This means that it can capture information spanning several years. The higher levels of elements present in hair make it a more sensitive and accurate method of analysis. This has led to suggestions that hair mineral analysis can be a cost-effective way to screen individuals or monitor patients during potential toxic exposure or therapy.

However, the controversy surrounding the analysis of elements in hair arises from the fact that most studies only consider hair analysis as a single factor. By combining hair analysis with other factors such as symptomatology, blood and urine tests, and physical observations, the accuracy of hair mineral analysis can be significantly enhanced.

What can Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Reveal about your health?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a powerful tool that offers valuable insights into your current health status. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in identifying potential health issues at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention and prevention. By detecting mineral imbalances even before symptoms manifest, this analysis empowers you to take proactive steps towards maintaining optimal well-being.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis uncovers valuable clinical insights that traditional blood, urine, and stool tests often overlook. This analysis is crucial for guiding you towards optimal health and well-being at every age.


What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?

Unleash the secrets hidden within your hair! Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a groundbreaking analytical test that delves deep into the mineral composition of your precious locks. This safe and non-invasive procedure provides invaluable insights into the levels of essential nutrients and harmful toxins present in your body tissue.

Renowned by integrative doctors, naturopaths, and nutritional therapists, HTMA is hailed as one of the most powerful screening tools in the realm of everyday and preventative healthcare. By examining the mineral content of your hair, this test offers a unique window into your overall well-being.

Let's dive into the fascinating world of hair tissue. Composed mostly of keratinized cells, your hair acts as a remarkable tapestry of your body's history. The visible shaft of your hair projects proudly from the surface of your skin, while beneath the skin lies the root, housing living matrix cells responsible for hair growth. These matrix cells rely on the blood supply for nourishment and development.

As these matrix cells multiply and flourish, they incorporate minerals into the growing hair shaft, leaving behind a permanent record of your metabolic activity and exposure to toxic elements. It's like a hidden diary, chronicling your body's journey.

Extensive research has demonstrated the incredible potential of hair tissue in detecting nutrient imbalances and toxic element exposure. Whether it's an imbalance caused by your health, diet, or environment, your hair shaft will faithfully document it all.

Unlock the secrets of your body's story with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery and take control of your health like never before.

Why test for minerals?

Minerals play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being, supporting growth, healing, and vitality. They are essential for maintaining the body's functions, from bone structure to energy production. While a balanced diet should provide us with all the necessary minerals, various factors in modern life make it challenging to meet our nutritional needs. From farming practices to environmental pollutants, our mineral intake is often compromised. This can lead to a range of health issues, highlighting the importance of monitoring our nutritional status regularly.

Dis/Advantages of HTMA

Discover the benefits of a safe, scientific, and non-invasive pathology test. Get reliable data on up to 35 nutrient and toxic minerals, along with over 25 important mineral ratios. Uncover nutrient mineral imbalances or toxic mineral excesses that could be impacting your health. Gain valuable health insights that standard blood and urine tests may not reveal. Unlike blood, hair provides a more stable reflection of trace elements levels over time. Long term mineral retention or losses are easily identified in hair compared to blood. Receive personalized interpretive test reports that evaluate your current mineral status, pinpoint areas of concern, and suggest dietary adjustments and supplements for enhanced health and well-being. Please note that supplement recommendations are exclusively available on the Practitioner Report.

Who can benefit from HTMA?

Hair tissue mineral analysis offers a unique perspective into your overall health. Unlike traditional blood tests, hair samples can detect imbalances that may go unnoticed. By identifying mineral imbalances early on, HTMA can help prevent the development of chronic health conditions.

Minerals play a crucial role in maintaining bone and teeth structure, pH balance, nerve function, muscle activity, energy levels, enzyme reactions, and hormonal regulation. Keeping track of our nutritional status is essential for optimal health.


Minerals play a crucial role in supporting growth and development. Early HTMA testing is highly recommended for children, particularly for addressing behavioral issues, learning challenges, hyperactivity, and frequent illnesses.

Sports & Athletic Performance

It is crucial to ensure that your body receives the right balance of essential nutrients in order to enhance endurance, boost performance, and facilitate a speedy recovery from injuries.

Fertility & Pre-pregnancy

Imbalanced nutritional elements can have serious repercussions on our overall health. It is crucial to understand that certain minerals directly influence our hormone levels, potentially leading to fertility problems. Moreover, the presence of toxic elements can adversely affect the well-being of a baby.


A hair tissue mineral analysis can reveal some of the reasons behind conditions suffered by the elderly. Addressing mineral imbalances and detoxifying heavy metals can considerably improve mood and quality of life.

health conditions

Mineral imbalances and toxic elements have the potential to worsen various health issues including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, thyroid imbalances, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, osteoporosis, and migraines.

male health

Men are one of the major neglected populations in regards to any health care modality, but especially those seeking a systems or holistic biology perspective. Hair Mineral Analysis testing provides a comprehensive insight into your body's long-term metabolic function, evaluating organ health, mineral levels, and toxic metal presence. By analyzing your hair, you can not only determine essential mineral levels but also assess the efficiency of your digestion, thyroid, adrenal, and immune systems, along with identifying toxic metals like mercury, copper, and aluminum.

Unlike blood tests that may only reveal current health status, hair analysis can detect imbalances well in advance. How many times have you undergone blood tests only to receive normal results, despite feeling that your body is not functioning optimally? This is where hair analysis proves invaluable. While blood tests offer valuable information, hair analysis uncovers long-term patterns that may have been affecting your health. It can detect imbalances before they manifest in blood tests, as blood tends to maintain normal appearances until imbalances become severe.

5 Reasons to obtain Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  1. Hair analysis offers a quick and easy way to collect specimens compared to blood, urine, or other tissues.
  2. It is a non-invasive method that provides valuable insights into your metabolic activity.
  3. Unlike blood, hair is not as affected by homeostatic mechanisms, making it a reliable indicator of mineral retention or losses over time.
  4. Additionally, concentrations of elements in hair are typically higher than in blood and other tissues, making it a cost-effective alternative for mineral testing.
  5. By analyzing hair, you can gain crucial information about toxic metal levels and detect mineral imbalances that may impact your vitamin activity.
  6. In summary, hair testing is a powerful tool for assessing your overall health and well-being.
confused man

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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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