Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

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While reading this it's a good idea to keep an open mind

In regards to the medical system in general, in at least North America, many people say they "trust the science." What does that mean?

Many people I run into say that phrase but when I ask them for details, they cannot provide them. If they do it is often very vague and repeated mechanically, so I show them evidence such as the fact that 'modern medicine' only largely practices symptom management and not reversals or the cliched term "cure."

I've actually had quite a few people who don't know me at all yet they hurl insults, but this shows their state of mind, view of the world, and their intense frustration. This is something undeniable even to the most resistant, so when you look into this and the details, you will eventually realize everything we say is true. Indeed, there is no magic pill that will cure cancer or any other 'condition' that was brought upon your body and mind by a deteriorating system by not addressing root causes with individualized metabolism and cellular nutrition. 'Modern medicine' therefore isn't as modern as you think.

Basically when someone says "I trust the science" it means they don't understand any of it but choose fallacious statements from someone who claims to be an authority, yet there are very few solutions. They also don't know the science they claim to 'trust' is based on the reductionist science based germ model/theory with perpetual scripts, surgeries, and a perpetual research industry that is unsustainable.

"Why is my husband, boyfriend, son so resistant to this type of information?"

Men are not trained to worry about their health as much as women, and minimum sociologists have proven this. It is not only a cultural thing, but also biological wiring. People resistant to new ideas also have a type of early onset dementia in the form of rigid thoughts, lack of imagination, lack of linking ideas, and illogical "beliefs." Since the body is part of the mind they also present with symptoms like obesity, white spots on finger nails and other physical stagnations & deteriorations. This type of term would be lack of brain/gut plasticity and under-nourished cells along with reductionist definitions such as only "blood circulation problems due to malfunctioning veins in the brain." are a big part of this problem. One of big deficiencies there is ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which provides collagen production for those vein walls among others. Their doctors are not trained to recognize this until they see the final breakdown of systems and label it many things and prescribe a drug(s). There's also a big factor that they don't have the background or developed critical thinking skills to know what is accurate or not; this is most prevalent with apathy-generating online searches.

"I don't get it: isn't my work healthcare enough for me and my family?"

Of course, it depends on your insurance plan because some good ones have availability for some of the modalities listed here, but it's not common. On the outset, employer-provided healthcare is simply there for keeping you at least on the "acute mindset" but not optimally. In essence health insurance is sick insurance, or not a solid prevention-based system. Optimizing your life and especially your cells is the foundation for preventing conditions and virtually eliminating the need for all the specialists and drugs that present themselves because of said cellular system breakdown.

Does your blood testing and 'healthcare' list all of these substances in your body? Not at all because your doctor isn't trained in it!

You say peoples' bloodwork in North America is "Abnormal" 9 times ouf of 10. What do you mean by this?

Well the proof is in the pudding: Look at yourself in the mirror and check how much junk food, alcohol, toxic situations and trivial decisions you make. Your blood work levels of your foundational and necessary substances like vitamins, minerals, hormones, amino acids and others are directly correlated with many things but most importantly your immune function and ability to fend off pathogens being one of the most concerning in daily life.

Look at the following table showing ONLY 4 different standards of serum static blood results around the world. Who do you think is going to be healthier with everything else being equal? The answer is going to be the person with the OPTIMAL levels. There are other ways to test your blood and not simply the static, snap-shot in time serum blood tests. There are others that measure a specific history over time without taking multiple tests over that period. If you are located in the western world (canada, USA, europe) your doctor is unlikely to be trained in these levels and what would be appropriate and optimal for YOUR body, but the general guideline for optimal level would be Japan and other countries where these level standards are much higher.

"I heard Vitamin D or Pine needle tea or something else is touted as some miracle. Is that true?"

The first problem with these kinds of questions is it is part of the mindset that the human condition and body is some type of car or product from wal-mart with replaceable or modifiable parts (this is reductionist science).

Those who speak about some kind of "supernatural" abilities of singular substances such as these aren't talking about the concept of other substances native to the human body working in concert with the others.

They also do not speak about how long a substance such as "pine needles" would stay in your system, what it does, for how long, and what dosage. It is more of a type of, as we say in psychology, 'magical thinking" very present in pseudo-scientific subjects.

Vitamin D along with other misunderstood compounds are far more than benign substances many people think a "vitamin" is. It and other body-native substances are actually hormones, or chemical messengers (among many other things) that the body needs to maintain and repair without pharmaceuticals. These pharma concoctions are often reverse-engineered from natural substances and sold back to us unbeknownst to most nay-sayers and illogical doubters.

"I already take some type of supplement like found on Dr. Oz or Dr. Mercola, yet I still don't feel any better, why is this?"

That's mostly because you don't know what is contained in those supplements, what dosage, what form, how long they stay in your body and even if they make it past your digestive system!

I was one of those people who tried all kinds of things and felt better for a little while, but I wasn't sure if it was only my mind tricking itself I was feeling better (the placebo effect). You have to realize the marketing from supplement providers don't include information about how to obtain individualized consultation and where to get the specific proper tests. More importantly they do not tell you where to find the most qualified doctors and practitioners who know how to analyze these results among others!

"My relative, or friend is a doctor or nurse and they tell me taking all these supplements is a waste of money and time, is that true?"

No, not true whatsoever. People who say these things are speaking from ignorance yet they think they are educated, yet they work with and see sick people on a daily basis and they never wonder why? These people are frequently some of the sickest people I've seen making statements about health! As a general guideline, when you compare the levels of specifically the vitamins and minerals in your body, did you know Japan's doctors would tell you (if they tested them all, they don't in Canada) they would tell 9 out of 10 people these levels are far too low? That is simply a general guideline and not specific to your unique biochemistry and lifestyle/work environment. You do, however, urinate and lose *some* of any substance in your body as normal part of metabolism, but that is more complex.

There isn't much of a regulatory body other than the natural order of the jungle out there in many fields, and the natural health field is no exception.

We have to remember there are a large number of people who have "magical thinking" in that they have dream-like ideas but can't explain much in a logical fashion and those would be chiefly abstract conceptions such as how chemistry works and so on.

I have heard a lot of people call themselves all kinds of things -- even those claiming to be home inspectors -- but they don't spend 8 to 10 hours inspecting a house as they should. They spend maybe 2 to 3 hours yet still get work. The point is that simply because someone claims to be something doesn't mean they are competent. A good indicator of a good practitioner is one who obtains good reviews and explains complex topics in such a way that even a child would understand!

I would not want someone who can't explain individual biochemical individuality -- or how every and each person's needs are different -- to me! If someone tells me things she/he has read off some internet website from so-called gurus then that wouldn't be a very good indicator of competence.

What exactly are "cellular imbalances?"

What Exactly Are "Cellular Imbalances" You Speak Of?

The term "cellular imbalance" is frequently used by many across the media spectrum but also in another way by medical doctors as " chemical imbalance."  The problem is that the latter term is used as justification by medical doctors as a sweeping generalized term without much of any science behind it other than symptom management using drugs that inevitably wear-off when the body builds a resistance to them.

Here is an example blood test that has many problems. The biggest is that medical  doctors use primarily "snap shot in time" blood tests and since blood is mainly only a transport medium it doesn't carry much of what is contained within the body.  Do they test all the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, organ function and many others in a short 10 minute acute-based office or emergency room visits? 

As you can see in the red box it shows "minimum wage of nutrition" and in fact this is even less than minimum wage of cellular nutrition.  Why is that? If you look at the last red box it shows what the minimum that is needed before it becomes deficient, while if we compared this "normal" to places like Japan with much higher standards this would be -- at least in this case -- an indicator what would be causing the symptoms the patient is experiencing.  If they were raised in this case and supplemented his symptoms would simply disappear and they did once they were given proper advice from a systems practitioner.

bloodtest b12 100 min

Do they test the following whatsoever among others using hair mineral analysis?

cellular analysis results1000 min

"How many Canadians have chronic illnesses?"

It's much worse than you think! Below is from this link.

The World Health Organization estimates that 50% of the global burden of disease is chronic illness. Chronic disease is also a significant concern for Canadians, with one-half (51.6%) of the population over the age of 20 having one or more chronic diseases. Since chronic diseases are long lasting, illnesses can have a compounding and sustained effect on the social, physical, psychological and economic levels of the individual and broader society.

Chronic diseases are estimated to cost Canadians $68 billion in direct healthcare costs and $122 billion in productivity losses.

As outlined by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, a more effective approach to combatting chronic disease would recognize the following:

Chronic disease is ongoing, and warrants proactive, planned, integrated care within a system that patients can navigate.

Patients need to be active partners in managing their condition, rather than passive recipients of care.

A multi-faceted approach needs to be taken where clinicians and non-clinicians from multiple disciplines work closely together.

Chronic disease can be prevented and thus requires health promotion and disease prevention strategies targeted at the whole population and especially those at risk.

For the better part of the last four decades, many health agencies have advocated for a model focused on preventing and forestalling the onset of disease as the best solution to the growing crisis of chronic disease.

Yet we have remained stuck in an acute care paradigm…until now.

Here you will see Dr. Abram Hoffer say the medical system is structured in such a way that they have to keep a certain percentage of people sick in order to treat them.

Where's the proof that the terrain model shows there's virtually no such thing as disease?

Yep, you must think I am out of my mind, but the person wearing a spacesuit to go to the gym isn't?

In the 1800s, the French chemist Louis Pasteur popularized the germ theory, proposing that microorganisms are the cause of most diseases. This paved the way for antibiotics—which kill both good and bad bacteria—and vaccines—which seek to prevent single diseases. The cost was side effects because they only target a few symptoms but neglect the entire organism. Botanists and veterinarians do a much better job treating their subjects, don't they?

By contrast, Pasteur’s friend, physiologist Claude Bernard, taught that the ‘terrain’ of the human body was more important than the ‘pathogens’ that infect it. We are surrounded by, and even harbor, microorganisms in our bodies. When exposed to pathogens, we become ill if our defenses are weakened by deficiencies or toxicities. Unlike the germ theory, the terrain theory explains why some people get sick while others, when exposed to the same pathogens, do not. For this reason, it is said that on his death bed, Pasteur admitted, “Bernard was right: the pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything.” Health experts continue to ignore Bernard’s wisdom, focusing solely on finding ways to kill ever-changing microorganisms. Conspicuously absent from all the public pronouncements are recommendations on how to strengthen the immune system so it can protect you from the current pandemic, the next one, and the one after that.

Why constant research and no cures for such things as cancer, diabetes and other chronic 'dis-eases?"

Yes, you are probably wondering why 'scientists' have been 'researching' for a magic pill for all kinds of disease. First we must ask: why do we have so many of these if there are so many people who call themselves experts? What good are they? It's not very complicated. They are using the germ model of biology which constantly looks for and tries to make a chemical and/or surgical treatment to rid the body of a certain problem. Do they ever ask what causes these things in the beginning? One of the biggest factors is your diet and if your body actually absorbs what it should from food going into the mouth or other routes including your job that may be toxic.

"Isn't my condition just genetic therefore there's nothing I can do about it?"

Self-defeatism runs rampant in our world and I used to be largely of that mindset. I thought there was nothing that could be done for my problems and I fell into the cycle of despair. Just because someone gives a very general, unscientific term "it's genetic" shouldn't be enough to warrant total apathy and despair. The truth is there are very practical, inexpensive general ways you can at least improve any health condition you may have. On the most optimistic side you could actually totally reverse and even enhance your health with general but more importantly with the personalized approach using testing and interpretation your government doctors aren't trained in.

In fact, one can easily order a DNA testing kit online and in the results it will show most of your single nucleotide polymorphisms, or in other words, all your genetic variations and predispositions to certain labelled diseases that you can take action on with the help of a good consultant. So you can see there is nothing "wishy washy" as some people think when they examine some of this information on this site. Actually I have been mocked from some ignorant people who call themselves intelligent for this information! Unbelievable isn't it?

"Why do we keep seeing reports of violent crime labeled as "mental illness" and why are so many people diagnosed as such?"

That's because there's no such thing as 'mental illness' according to the more accurate terrain model. All of Western reductionist science is based on the germ model. Take a look at the DSM, the psychiatrist's manual, and you will find little to no scientific explanations for all their stigmatizing labels with little to no solutions.

We also have to remember the head is not the mind because it has been proven that the brain is part of the body, and all parts of the body are dependent on each other. This should be called "common sense," but that term has also lost its meaning and become a meaningless cliche. Once you look at the body holistically you will find most of these people labeled 'mentally ill' actually have very high loads of toxin in their bodies and have cellular nutrient levels that are severely out of balance; for instance B12 deficiency is a major part of general depression but isn't recognized for many reasons. One of the biggest is the way bloodwork is tested, interpreted and how doctors are not trained in biochemical individuality!

In essence we do not have a mental illness crisis; we have a psychiatric and medical misunderstanding crisis with doctors not trained in non-reductionist curriculum!

Why does my family abuse me with a "mental illness" diagnosis from MDs?i

One of the first is they likely have their own sub-clinical health problems and/or their own diagnosed health problems based on reductionist science. The second is many people -- and this can seem surreal and cruel -- they are looking for someone to take out their life aggression and someone with such a 'diagnosis' in their minds is such a person to do this to.

"Why do I get a bad feeling whenever I hear the word 'natural' in regards to medical information now?"

That's because unscrupulous medical and marketing people have destroyed the original meaning of that word. The truth is that many of these people and companies using that word to sell their products are owned by pharmaceutical companies themselves. This includes many other words and terms such as "organic food" where it has been proven that more than 75% of these labelled products in stores are "organic" to their own definition. In addition, most pharmaceuticals have been reverse-engineered from nature, patented, and sold back to us.

There are also many headlines such as these that people search and say "Look: vitamins cause cancer!" but they rarely open the link to find the deceptive headline speaks about tobacco smokers!

"I watch mainstream popular media, radio and hear all kinds of trivial things. Why is there so much conflicting information out there?"

There's a significant amount of truth mixed with falsehoods found especially online, and it misleads those with inadequate background information to discern if it's true or not. There's also the aforementioned idea that we are 1 dimensional beings along with a "take this for that " mindset. Celebrity doctors are some of the biggest culprits of this. This is not to say the information many of these celebrity medical people is wrong; I am saying they incorporate a significant amount of what viewers may view as trivial especially after searching biased online sources.

Also, the combination of the biased sources found mainly online along with their lack of understanding of the basics leads them to apathy and trashing almost all real healthcare modalities, and lumping many things together. This is especially prevalent in people who claim to be "progressive" which is very strange!

"People like doctors, dietitians and others keep tell me to eat a 'balanced diet,' yet I still feel and look like crap. What is happening and are these people full of it?"

If you look at the chemistry and actions of foods and substances in the environment from your social interactions to natural chemicals in the air, you see that these things stay in the body certain amounts of time in certain concentrations. You soon realize that nutrition doesn't mean food!

Therefore when we look at the diet of each person we see there is no such thing as a 'balanced diet' because we all have different requirements! Also, once you look at the industrially-grown food products in the supermarket you realize how devoid the 'good food' we think we are eating isn't being absorbed or what we need isn't in there! It's not that complicated but the people who claim the opposite aren't trained in these subjects!

Double-blind studies have been performed back as early as the 1950s Canada and USA, but a variety of political factors appeared including socialized medicine and dominance of it by big pharma and politicians promising utopian visions we now see aren't as advertised.

"Why do I get a common cold, influenza? Isn't it because I went outside without a jacket? Isn't it because my child has a cold?"

No, it is not because you went outside with a jacket, but that is one of the precipitating factors that triggers immune response with a very heavy toxic load your body has. The running nose, fever and others you think are a "common cold" or something else are the body's attempts to rid its cells of the offending toxins -- not some kind of witchcraft.

The first step is to try to live a toxic-free life but also obtain proper consultation and testing to see how you do this. It's not only putting a few vitamin C capsules down the hatch because you don't know if your body is absorbing it, and you likely need others. This will prevent not only common cold, influenza, but also prevent and treat existing conditions -- even tooth cavities! Your body can heal itself, remember?

Do we all need "organic food?"

Do we need everything organic? No, organic produce is not necessary for everything. If the produce has a hard skin like an apple, it can be washed and that's good enough. However, if it has a soft skin like a berry, it cannot be washed and should be organic. As for meat, it is important to choose organic because non-organic meat has been treated with antibiotics that can affect your intestine and cause metabolic disruption. While there are certain things that can be bought non-organic and still be okay, there are many things that should be organic due to the chemicals used.

Making a general claim solely based on the term "organic" is somewhat overlooking the main issue. Moreover, it is important to acknowledge that this approach is not scalable and also comes with a high cost. We’re striving to be practical and logical in our suggestions here. Regardless of the specific diet of animals, such as cows, whether they are consuming grass-fed or any other type of feed, they may still require antibiotics if they fall ill. The reason behind cows needing antibiotics is their inadequate cellular nutrition.

"What is nutritional psychology? Isn't it someone telling me what to eat to make me feel better in my mind?"

Not whatsoever. There are many names to nutritional psychology, and the word 'nutrition' itself has become rather tame because we have seen the word nutrition itself defined as macro-nutrients and rather trivial things like sandwiches and bunches of fruit in advertisements. Remember: industrialized peoples' typically have the most destroyed intestinal assimilation systems and often have their detoxification pathways blocked by a variety of toxic factors.

Therefore these individuals experience drastic improvements in health by individualized supplementation using digestion-bypassing methods such as tiny injections and other routes like daily sublingual and others.

Individualized cellular nutrition is much more powerful than drugs, and without side effects. They are without harmful side effects because they are all native to the human body, and these nutrients have major side benefits instead such as improved heart health, and even the elimination of minor issues such as toenail fungus!

With my individualized help I can show you how to not only rid yourself of your 'mental health' problem but also never get running nose when outside in winter, along with total absence of regular common cold/influenza as I do now.

How is my government doctor different from say, a functional medical specialist?

'Modern science" doctors or "conventional" doctors treat your body and their systems as separate parts. This is also called "organ level" and is the big reason when you go to your GP he "gives you pills" (as the famous cliche goes) because he/she practices symptom management and not root cause medicine. Root cause medicine has many different names including functional, integrative. Basically it is the analysis of the root cause of illness and virtually all of the time it is the cells in your body malfunctioning because they haven't been getting what they need to survive. Genetics plays a large part and that is another aspect doctors don't practice on an individual level.

Their concentration is on the average statistical level and that's the large reason why it is the mantra of "one specific pill, per symptom, per person" as if each heart medication was designed for everyone's genetics. It wasn't! Those side effects eventually cause other problems down the line for more 'treatments.' This is similar to the line of thinking that introducing genetically modified mosquitos into the wild will eradicate one specific type of pest, but introduce side effects nature never intended. The same goes for your body's naturally-occurring bacteria becoming resistant to certain anti-biotics.

"My mother and sister go to a chiropractor and preach his services as if he were some kind of God. My brother's friend goes to a massage therapist and says the same thing. What is the deal with this?"

In my view this is part of the one-size-fits-all, brand name thinking as if someone were going to wal-mart for a fix or some sugary product or some cheap blender they purchased. This isn't to say the mentioned modalities are frivolous, but they are only part of the holistic equation. If your problem really is a blood imbalance of say B6 and B12 (as many are and don't know it) then a chiropractic adjustment won't directly add those to your daily routine, but it will certainly help at least psychologically.

What I mean is many people convince themselves of things but it's not the full story; this is called placebo. In the end it is the company, person or business with the most marketing dollars that reaches the minds of the most people and becomes the new trend of the day. Fortunately these days root cause medicine is becoming more popular, as is the proper analysis and interpretation of all your bodily tissues, but that wasn't the case for a very long time compared to professions such as chiropractors, massage therapists, and so on.

"If I follow your general guidelines what will I expect?

If you were "diagnosed" with a condition you should realize you are not a car with a bad radiator. There are other problems with your tissues, cells causing that 'condition" and taking only pharmaceuticals will likely cause other problems down the line including early death. It is at least entirely possible to see significant positive results with side effects such as better mood, no more junk food/alcohol/drug cravings. If you follow individualized guidelines you will also find at least the same but this advice gets more specific for your genetics, your lifestyle, your individual biochemistry. Therefore, depending on the severity of your condition you could very well see it completely reversed with side effects more pronounced as mentioned above.

"How will I be able to avoid needing health insurance, and thus the need for a big employer healthcare plan?"

Yes, you will be able to avoid the need to sell your figurative soul to a big employer with my assistance and the reasons are many.

If you already have a health condition 'diagnosed' by a healthcare practitioner and are taking drugs for it, this makes it harder, but not impossible to avoid needing a big sickness insurance plan from a big employer.

The big benefits are you will feel more empowered to become more self-sufficient but also become healthier and needing drugs, surgeries, office visits far less frequently or none whatsoever.

What you will get is health assurance and not sickness insurance. No more benefiting the pocket books of insurance companies!

"Can I halt addictions with this kind of information you provide?"

Yes, you can at least significant improve your health including addictions. Of course, the ideal is to completely eliminate harmful activities such as smoking cigarettes, but a more realistic idea would be replacing the cigarette with something virtually risk-free such as vaping or in combination with such things as nicotine patches and essential oil nasal inhalers. Again, these 3 are part of the acute mindset.

What even doctors do not understand is that addictions, compulsions & cravings are not only psycho-social but an interplay between your body's internal workings, your mind, and your social environment. This is the chronic mindset that needs to be addressed alongside the acute to prevent what is called "relapses" or cycling back into the pattern. Indeed, their main training in medical school is pharmacology but not body biochemistry using substances already native to the body.

Correcting biochemical problems along with retraining your mind and making choices to avoid social situations that led to addictions is the most effective. We have to remember that addiction is rarely all chemical -- it is psycho-social and in the case of smoking cigarettes: the hand to mouth motion is the most addictive.

The speed at which individuals respond to a nutrition program can vary significantly. While some may experience relief from symptoms within just 10 minutes through a quick-fix approach, others may require a comprehensive nutrition program for five years or even longer. So, what causes this discrepancy in response time? Well, there are several limiting factors that influence how well a person responds to a well-designed nutrition program.

One crucial factor is the body's biochemical energy

Healing necessitates energy, and this energy is required for eliminating toxic substances from the body, absorbing and utilizing nutrients, and allowing glucose and hormones to effectively enter the cells. Individuals who respond quickly typically have a well-functioning energy system, with the exception of perhaps lacking one specific nutrient or factor. Once that missing element is provided, their response is robust.

On the other hand, individuals whose energy systems are more imbalanced or damaged experience slower healing. We often refer to them as being in a state of 'burnout'. Rebuilding their energy system becomes paramount for their healing journey. While a supplement program is important, adopting a healthy lifestyle is equally crucial as it conserves and liberates energy for the healing process. The more energy that is made available for healing, the faster the progress.

In conclusion, the speed of response to a nutrition program can vary greatly from person to person. Factors such as the body's biochemical energy and overall health play a significant role in determining the rate of healing. By addressing these limiting factors and providing the necessary support, individuals can optimize their response to a properly-designed nutrition program and experience more rapid progress towards their health goals.

Layers Of Adaption

The human body is an incredible machine that has the ability to compensate and adapt in order to maintain optimal health. When one organ or gland becomes weakened or deficient, other organs and glands step in to take over their functions. For example, if the kidneys are not functioning properly, the liver or skin will help eliminate toxins from the body. Similarly, if there is a deficiency in a certain mineral like zinc, other minerals like cadmium or copper can step in to fulfill the necessary enzyme binding sites.

Not only do organs and glands compensate for each other, but psychological adaptation also occurs. When someone feels out of control, they may try to exert control over others as a way to compensate. This process of compensation and adaptation is a fundamental survival mechanism of the body.

However, in order to achieve permanent healing, it is important to unravel the layers of compensations and adaptations that have built up over time. This process takes time and often involves experiencing healing reactions as the body readjusts. If someone responds very quickly to treatment, it suggests that they did not have many layers of adaptation to unravel. However, many people have multiple layers of adaptations that need to be addressed, which can prolong the healing process.

Hair analyses can provide valuable insights into these layers of adaptations by tracking changes over time. For example, a first test may not reveal certain toxicities, but after being on a healing program for a year or more, those toxicities may start to show up. This indicates that the toxins were present all along, but the body had to address other adaptations first before it could start eliminating them.

Similarly, a first mineral analysis may show fast oxidation, which is often a response to overwhelming stress. As stress levels decrease, subsequent tests may reveal slow oxidation, indicating a different type of adaptation. With continued reduction in nutritional stress, a balanced pattern may eventually emerge in later tests.

In conclusion, the process of compensation and adaptation is a crucial survival mechanism of the body. However, in order to achieve permanent healing, it is necessary to unravel the layers of adaptations and compensations that have accumulated over time. This may take time and involve experiencing healing reactions, but it is an essential step towards restoring optimal health.

Generational Healing

Hair analysis research has uncovered a fascinating revelation - many of our health issues can be traced back to imbalances in our nutrition and other conditions that we inherit from birth. Although this idea may seem peculiar at first, it is not uncommon for us to have to rectify nutritional imbalances that have persisted for multiple generations. This process can be demanding, as our bodies and even our personalities may have adapted to these inherent imbalances. Take, for instance, individuals who were born with high levels of copper and low levels of zinc. They may have experienced irritability and nervousness since childhood, assuming that this was simply their "natural" disposition. However, as their chemistry is restored through nutritional balancing, they may need to redefine their self-image and identity, no longer defined by their abnormal chemistry. This transformation requires dedication and perseverance, but the rewards of improved health and well-being are undoubtedly worth the effort.

The Limits Of Reductionist & Systems Science

It is undeniable that no sincere individual can assert that they possess all the solutions in the realm of biochemistry and nutrition. By conducting and comprehending hair mineral analysis accurately, numerous hints can be obtained to rectify body chemistry. Nevertheless, nutrition remains an evolving scientific field. There are instances where modifications are imperative in nutrition programs, which can significantly impact the pace of recovery.

Healing & Systems Biology

While nutrition is undeniably a crucial aspect of maintaining good health, it is important to acknowledge that there are other factors that also play a significant role. These factors encompass various aspects such as diet, lifestyle choices, exposure to environmental toxins, mental stress, hidden infections like tooth abscesses, and even structural imbalances within the body. Additionally, there are more subtle influences on our well-being, including electrical imbalances, inherited weaknesses, and spiritual and emotional factors. Moreover, the strength of one's desire to be well cannot be underestimated.

All of these factors collectively contribute to the overall equation of how quickly and completely a person can recover their health. However, it is worth noting that some of these factors may be challenging to evaluate accurately. In certain situations, it may be necessary to explore alternative therapies in addition to focusing on nutrition alone. Considering healing on multiple levels can often yield the most beneficial outcomes.

Therefore, it is imperative to recognize the multifaceted nature of health and wellness, and to approach it holistically. By addressing all these factors comprehensively, we can optimize the healing process and enhance overall well-being.

confused man

Still Not Convinced?

Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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Free health assessments offered

For a limited time we're offering a free cellular nutritional assessment (usually worth $50) for prevention and support of attempts to reverse health conditions. Contact us below for more information! Book your free assessment now! Also sign up for free email newsletter below