Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Have you ever measured your health like you do your bank statement?

I bet you haven't! You need proper measurements of your organs, tissues, and cellular nutrient levels. This is all for less than the cost of 2 pharmacy prescriptions!

Discover your health   No I'm not ready

germ vs terrain sick girl

"Getting sick" in Western culture usually means when someone develops what we consder normal:  a common cold 1 to 3 times per year, influenza once or 2 times a year along with dental cavities, greying hair and lots of other conditions we consider "normal."  

This has been the usual definition in the public popular lexicon over the past 80 years or so.  Do we wonder why some people develop these illnesses that are sometimes "paid sick days" from work and a reason to stay at home with the family?

Lots of us simply think its normal and don't consider these instances that can take to resolve within 1 week or so as as dis-eases, but that is exactly what they are: dis-ease in that the body and mind are not at ease.  We also think it's commonplace to develop tooth cavities, dental and gum problems such as periodontal dis-ease without realizing our cells in our entire body are imbalance and deficient in many substances we call "natural."  Many people with "workplace health insurance" think it's acceptable simply because they possess some type of health coverage that should be called sick care. 

They see and experience all these subtle symptoms we consider normal or a normal part of aging, but they are indicators of many hidden problems that medical staff are not trained to detect whatsoever in "conventional" schools based on the practice of acute symptoms by seperating the body into separate parts.

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

What happens when we develop these illnesses we consider normal? You guessed it: we usually attend the Medical doctor's office or emergency room when severe, when we blindly accept what we are told as gospel. We are told to perhaps take some pain medication, consume some chicken soup, and obtain bed rest.

Did you ever wonder what's happening inside your body bio-chemically & bio-mechanically?

Not many do, and if they do, they search online for the latest supplement they desire to purchase or research the details and side effects of the medication they are taking.  This type of thinking is acute based, while trying to understand why you became sick in the first place is the "terrain model."  The germ theory is what Western medical bureaucracies have used for the past 150 years.

Sometimes, the root cause of our health issues or potential, undetected health issues goes beyond mere bio-chemical factors. It can be attributed to hidden abnormalities within our tissues, like faulty heart valves or unnoticed hernias, among various others.  Even a singular Vitamin D deficiency relative to other naturally-occuring substances present in the body can cause various sorts of hernias.

Conventional Western medicine, steeped in the wisdom of the germ theory, finds its roots in the profound discoveries of Louis Pasteur. This visionary French chemist and microbiologist, whose brilliance graced the world from 1822 to 1895, is hailed as the architect of this groundbreaking theory.

The germ theory, a cornerstone of medical understanding, was profoundly influenced by Pasteur's unwavering belief in the pristine purity of the human body. According to this theory, microscopic invaders, imperceptible to the naked eye, infiltrate our sacred vessels, giving rise to a myriad of afflictions.  Yet, amidst the prevailing dogma, another theory (or a more certain  and accurate word: model) emerges, known as the terrain theory model. This captivating notion posits that it is not the mere presence of the "germ" itself that dictates the onset of illness, but rather the intricate tapestry of our internal well-being, the very essence of our being.

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Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp were pioneers of the terrain theory, which suggests that a healthy internal ecosystem can effectively combat disease-causing microorganisms. Bechamp's research revealed that our bodies are like "mini fish pond." When our internal fish pond becomes weakened due to factors like poor nutrition, toxicity, stress, or trauma, it alters the behavior of the naturally present microbes in our bodies, leading to disease.

While this paradigm is very, very good at treating acute problems such as sprains, broken bones it's not good at detecting, analyzing and treating cellular nutritional problems that would require much, much more time and effort.

Your Body & Mind Become Sick When Internal Terrain Is Compromised

In simpler terms, microorganisms only become harmful when the host's cellular "terrain" is compromised.  It often is not always sole-ly bio-chemical but often some undetected abnormality without our tissues such as defective heart valves, undetected hernias and many others.

Renowned microbiologist René Dubos also supported this idea, stating that most microbial diseases occur when the body's equilibrium is disrupted. Modern research has further supported the terrain theory, demonstrating how a healthy internal ecosystem can fend off various diseases, including viruses, bacteria, and even ulcers.

For example, a study published in Science examined the immune responses to Heliobacter, a germ/pathogen strongly linked to ulcers, chronic gastritis, stomach cancer, and other gastrointestinal issues.

Humans are teeming with microbes, with over 100 trillion of them making up our bodies. These tiny organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and other microbes, outnumber our own human cells by a staggering ten to one. The majority of these microbes call our gut home, specifically residing in the large intestine. The bacteria within our microbiome play a crucial role in our overall health. They aid in the digestion of our food, help regulate our immune system, protect us from harmful bacteria that can cause diseases, and even produce essential vitamins like B12, thiamine, and riboflavin. The microbiome is vital for human development, immunity, and nutrition.

The Pathogens Within & Around Us Are Not Invaders

Contrary to popular belief, the bacteria living within and on us are not invaders but rather beneficial colonizers. They coexist with us harmoniously, contributing to our well-being. Researchers studying the microbiome emphasize that exposure to microorganisms from birth onwards plays a significant role in educating our immune system. This microbial-based education is crucial in preventing the development of autoimmune diseases and cancer. A decrease in the diversity of microorganisms in the gut has been linked to various conditions, including allergies, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, and mood disorders. It highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of microbes within our bodies.

It's important to note that the presence of germs or bacteria does not automatically indicate the presence of a disease.  This means that using mask, hand-washing and "vaccines" will help only to a very small degree when the "internal pond" of the body is compromised and this is very prevalent in Western society. 

In fact, introducing more artificial substances to the body (known as toxins) but often branded in friendly ways in friendly packages carry massive side effects and frequent outweigh the benefits in the long term, and are mainly only geared toward acute issues rather than long-term metabolic problems most of us possess.  The goal with virtually all acute drugs, surgeries are designed to eradicate the germ, but do not address why they propagated to an uncontrolled degree and this applies even to instances of cancer diagnoses.

These microorganisms have no direct influence on our live cells. They are not the cause of diseases any more than rats, flies, and maggots cause garbage. Similar to how vermin thrive on garbage, germs and bacteria are an inherent part of our existence. In a pristine environment, the presence of cockroaches and vermin is usually unheard of. Nevertheless, in regions overwhelmed by waste, cockroaches and rats tend to be prevalent.

Our bodies are a complex ecosystem, teeming with a vast array of microbes. These microorganisms play a crucial role in our health and well-being. Understanding and nurturing our microbiome is key to maintaining optimal health and preventing various diseases.

Humans possess a natural, inherent ability for their bodies to heal themselves -- provided their bodies are relatively free of toxins and regularly obtain in proper dosages the fuel the trillions of cells need to function properly to keep pathogens and illness at bay. 

Our bodies are equipped with the necessary chemicals pathways and epi-genetic (not solely ther popular term "genetic") blueprints to maintain good health -- that is if we regularly obtain what we need and it's not always from "food." Various factors such as epi-genetics, environment around us, emotions, stress, diet, daily routines, and lifestyle choices collectively influence our overall well-being. However, the stronger and more resilient our internal environment, the lower the chances of succumbing to illness and the less likely we are to attract diseases.

Nutritional epigenetics delves into the fascinating realm of how our diet influences the way our genes behave and how accessible they are within our DNA. This captivating field falls under the umbrella of nutritional genomics, honing in specifically on the impact of bioactive food components on various epigenetic occurrences.

Food is not only a source of energy but also a treasure trove of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. These incredible compounds, along with their breakdown products, have the power to activate genetic switches nestled within our genome. Just like the dimmer switches that regulate the brightness of lights in your home, these genetic switches play a crucial role in determining the quantity of a specific gene product that is generated and thus determines everything from how fast we age, to amount of dental caries, to hearing loss and other conditions we are told are "genetic" and doomed to inherit from our parents and grand-parents.

How Do You Know What Your Cellular Nutritional Imbalances Are?

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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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