Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Have you ever measured your health like you do your bank statement?

I bet you haven't! You need proper measurements of your organs, tissues, and cellular nutrient levels. This is all for less than the cost of 2 pharmacy prescriptions!

Discover your health   No I'm not ready

endless counselor visits no solutions not adressing root causes

Therapists advertise themselves as possessing knowledge and expertise to effectively address and modify behaviors, depending on the specific type of therapist you choose. However, are they truly addressing on a cellular level how your cellular nutritional status affects your behavior and is the significant part of your behavior? 

I am making this article as a critique and sharing/reproducing some of the copyright owner's work as per United States and other country/jurisdiction "copyright act" fair dealing usage which allows limited portions of copyright owner's work for critique, journalism and scientific reporting.  More can be found here about this for the USA rules but also here for Canadian rules. I am actually a fan of this practitioner's work but I felt it would necessary to shed more light onto the root causes of human behavior rather than only applying damaging labels onto individuals andn trying to scientifically explain what virtually no "mainstream" practitioners do.

No they do not and that is because they are reductionist trained in big-money schools to graduate hordes of often unemployed, under-employed specialized graduates mainly because of that specialization.  By seeking their guidance, many hope they can work through their challenges and experience mostly placebo-based improvement, rather than simply offloading your concerns onto someone else who would likely provide you toxic advice or who doesn't truly understand due to lack of experience in many concepts.   This is because we are not addressing the significant reason why we choose what we do and what affects our thoughts: that is what goes into our mouths and how that affects mostly our "gut brain axis" which is the links between gut health and cognition.

They may and often do refer clients to other specialists such as dentists, hair dressers, nutritionists, naturopaths, shoe shiners, but is anything really being solved by doing so rather than addressing the root causes from the outset?  Rarely and when they refer clients to other specialists mostly all they are doing is reinforcing the specialization, endless bureacratic mindset with little to no solutions being found.  Would it make sense for them to teach you how to solve your own problems even if they had the time? Mostly not because then they would be out of clients wouldn't they?

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

Specialization can undoubtedly enhance expertise in a specific area, but it is important to acknowledge the limitations it brings. While a specialist excels in their chosen field, their adaptability may suffer when confronted with changing circumstances. Conversely, a generalist possesses a wider range of skills, enabling them to effortlessly navigate through different situations. While specialization may provide proficiency in one domain, it is the versatility of a generalist that truly proves invaluable in a world that is constantly evolving.

This dilemma lies at the heart of the 'Specialization Paradox,' prompting a reassessment of focusing on individual components without sacrificing the integrity of the entire system. Although breaking down intricate systems can provide insight, the reductionist method frequently overlooks the bigger picture, failing to consider the impact of interconnected components on the overall system's well-being.

Mocking of wide-ranged "alternative health" without realizing validity

Here are some of her posts outright mocking virtually all of "alternative medicine" without realizing what is valid or not, and I was in the same boat.  I knew that repeat visits to these so-called "experts" was not going to be good, but it was the only thing covered by my -- at the time back more than 20 years ago -- the only agents covered by work insurance or school insurance. 

I knew there were probably better ways to address health issues but the only influences in my life were bragging about the latest fad diet, latest fad chiropractor or massage therapist.  Almost none of it was based on any kind of science but I was so demotivated and sub-clinically sick that I didn't notice my health decline and those around me were promoting the latest above fads.  I was lost!  The only events that happened were mainly losing a lot of money for repeat visits.

This may be the case for the below mentioned so-called therapist as well in that maybe she is also confused, but the likelihood of this is very slim.  The true likelihood is she's trying to confuse many into seeking her reductionist guidance rather than seeking a systems or integrative practitioner.

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This image was a screenshot recorded on Shrink4men's public Facebook page over various dates:

From the left side of image: "Just received this in the inbox. Hilarious.  My only issue with is is that I believe it's 'batshit' not 'bat shit.'  Anyone here have a crazy ex who believes essential oils, Zinc, past life regression, crystals, Jedi Knight Reiki training and like would cure the cray-cray?"

Does she delve into the scientific reasons people manifest mood swings, "personality disorders" and so on without recommending medication and repeat consellor visits that maintain massive side effects because of their reductionist nature that only treats symptoms without root cause analysis that an engineer would perform on a machine?

Endless labels and visits: no long-term solutions except more repeat visits

endless specialist visits

In essence it's pretty obvious posts like below that she frequently creates are meant to attract attention and subsequent new paying repeat client intakes while intentionally or unintentionally trying to sway you away from the truth: systems biology or integrative medicine viewing the human body as a whole system rather than disconnected parts. 

It could be she doesn't know the truth either because I was in the same spot for most of my life while becoming desperate enough to default to seeking the so-called treatments of "experts" who view the body as separate parts.

The truth is virtually every industry relies on a constant stream of repeat customers and its in many industries' best interests to keep you confused and creating an appearance of over-complication mainly to confuse and leave you without the ability to understand their knowledge.  This leads to prey to being unable to understand or even attempt to perform your own work rather than seeking their so-called "expertise."  This has been the case for hundreds of years and was especially true in industries such as legal where overly complex jargon dominates and leaves people thinking they aren't competent to handle their own affairs.   The reality is many industries create intentional confusion to keep you as captive customers at the mercy of so-called "experts."

"Therapy isn't fixing America's mental health crisis" -- Time Magazine

Even publications such as Time Magazine are stating the obvious: repeat therapist visits are not solving the "mental health" crisis in at least America!  

According to Time magazine: "Mental health" counseling has become cannon fodder for popular books, podcasts, and movies. Professional athletes, celebrities, and politicians routinely go public with their mental health struggles. Everyone is talking—correctly or not—in the language of therapy, peppering conversations with references to gaslighting, toxic people, and boundaries without talking about the root causes other than labeling people with commercialized buzzwords to sell endless medications and "counselor" visits with little to no long term results and often major side effects from wasteful spending of money to major health side effects from reductionist medications.

The increase in the number of people seeking mental health care is a positive sign of growing awareness. However, despite this rise, the overall mental health of the U.S. population seems to be deteriorating. Suicide rates are up, symptoms of depression and anxiety are on the rise, and serious mental illnesses are becoming more prevalent. It's time to address this discrepancy and work towards improving mental health outcomes for all (source).

The truth is her post to the left is a common occurence with those who have not realized that the human body is composed of naturally-occuring earth elements.  Personality changes like heightened irritability could indicate an electrolyte imbalance such as hypernatremia, hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, or hypomagnesemia. Restoring the proper balance of electrolytes is key to relieving psychiatric symptoms.

Still don't believe this is true?  Check established medical journals!

Many people have said throughout history: "You are what you eat."  However the reality actually is a more appropriate: "You are what you absorb."  This rings true for physical as well as "mental health" because the brain is connected to the body which is contrary to what reductionist science and psychology views the body and mind as separate.

"Mental" disorders are a significant concern in the US and other developed countries, with conditions like major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and OCD affecting millions of individuals. Studies suggest that a lack of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to the development of these disorders. It is crucial to address these deficiencies and imbalances to improve mental health outcomes and overall well-being. 

Do you still not believe this information? It comes direct from the National Library Of Medicine's respected "nutritional journal" from the year 2008 (source).  Though the problem with this and virtually all information found everywhere is that it's not targeted for the individual and for that you require and individual cellular nutritional analysis!

Minerals play a crucial role in supporting your body's natural antioxidant system. Antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione all rely on minerals to function effectively. When there is an imbalance or deficiency in these minerals, it disrupts the delicate equilibrium, leading to various issues. Additionally, the accumulation of metals further complicates the situation, creating a vicious cycle that is challenging to reverse. It is worth noting that scientific literature strongly supports the connection between inflammation, oxidative stress, and conditions like depression. This is a widely accepted finding, not a controversial one. Considering that the antioxidant system forms the foundation of your body's defense against oxidative stress, it is reasonable to assume that mental health conditions, particularly depression, may be influenced by inflammation originating from this imbalance.

Minerals play a crucial role in our overall well-being as they have pleiotropic effects on our entire system. From hormone regulation to neurotransmission, protein synthesis to energy production, detoxification to healing, immunity to metabolism - minerals are essential for all aspects of life. It is important to understand that these processes directly influence our thoughts, emotions, and overall functioning, which are the core components of mental health and well-being. When minerals are imbalanced and these processes are disrupted, people often experience sickness, cognitive decline, anxiety, depression, and a sense of being overwhelmed. The key to restoring balance lies in addressing these mineral imbalances (source: national library of medicine).

Generalized supplementation also not targeted & not adequate

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Countless studies have demonstrated that simply providing generalized supplements labeled as "anti-oxidants" does not effectively prolong life. The key reason behind this is that these supplements fail to address the overall mineral system imbalance in the body or eliminate the toxic metal burden accumulated by individuals. By not adequately supporting processes such as methylation and detoxification with the correct balance of vitamins and minerals, these supplements do not yield the desired results.

Unrestricted metals and minerals account for 99% of the stress in our bodies, making it crucial to manage and control these elements for optimal health and vitality. It's important for people to understand that mental well-being and brain function are not solely dependent on hormones.

Many individuals experiencing issues like brain fog during menopause or anxiety, depression, fatigue, and other symptoms related to testosterone levels may actually be suffering from the effects of metals in their system.

Don't overlook the impact of metals and lack of a systems biology approach on your overall health before attending a so-called specialist who only concentrates on psychology without realizing how your cellular nutritional status significantly impacts psychological aspects of health.


Nutritional therapies for mental disorders

Orthomolecular Medicine - National Library Medicine

Therapy isn't fixing America's Mental Health Crisis

NLM: Nutrient synergy: definition, evidence, and future directions

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confused man

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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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