Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Have you ever measured your health like you do your bank statement?

I bet you haven't! You need proper measurements of your organs, tissues, and cellular nutrient levels. This is all for less than the cost of 2 pharmacy prescriptions!

Discover your health   No I'm not ready

madman in cockpit: media story

Despite the passing of decades, the treatment and care for mental health have not progressed much. In the past, individuals who were unable to function normally in society were subjected to various treatments. These ranged from burning witches at the stake to lobotomies and heavy doses of drugs that left them bedridden in asylums.

Although politicians have closed these institutions in favor of less sedating treatments, individuals are still released into communities with drugs that can destroy their entire body chemistry. Unfortunately, the popular view is that drugs are the only option, with "virtually no side effects," but the reality is quite the opposite.

Most mainstream literature on medicine tends to oversimplify the issue by only addressing the immediate and obvious symptoms that patients report. They often promote the benefits and downplay the potential side effects of the medications prescribed by reductionist doctors. Unfortunately, this approach contributes to the stigma surrounding seeking medical help, as patients are often subjected to a never-ending cycle of prescriptions, surgeries, and counseling sessions with little to no lasting improvement. Despite this, the general public is aware of the truth and refuses to be silenced.

The reason for this is that reductionist methods only focus on treating the symptoms rather than investigating the root cause. This approach fails to treat the human body and mind holistically, unlike how a botanist treats a plant by examining and treating the terrain. By only addressing the symptoms, it's like putting a band-aid on a wound that will eventually show up much stronger. This is because the body builds resistance to medications, leading to the introduction of new medications to quell the new symptoms. A botanist would never take such a short-sighted approach.

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

It's unfortunate that practitioners tend to shy away from a systems approach that addresses root causes instead of just treating symptoms. This is a major reason why the stigma surrounding mental health persists, especially among men who feel pressure to be tough. Despite progress, many men still view mental health issues as a sign of weakness and are hesitant to seek help. They also recognize that the commercialization of illness is just another way to get trapped in a never-ending cycle of the "sick care" system most people mistakenly call "health care."

You don't believe me?

Why Are Countries Such As Japan Miuch Healthier With Fewer Cases Of "Mental Illness?"

Have you ever pondered about the different approaches to preventing and treating illnesses in countries outside of the Western world? It's not a topic that crosses many people's minds, and I was no exception. However, my perspective changed completely when I had the opportunity to live in those countries and conduct extensive research both online and in person. I always had a hunch that the quality and variety of food played a role, but it wasn't until I personally experienced it that I realized the significant impact of advanced medical measurement standards in places like Japan and Asia as a whole. It's truly remarkable how these countries prioritize and excel in healthcare.

Japan is a fascinating case study, especially when it comes to the perception of the health and longevity of its people compared to the Western world. If we delve deeper into the blood analysis standards in Japan, we can clearly see that their criteria are more stringent. The way medical professionals determine whether someone is "sick" or not involves a term called "reference ranges." These ranges are based on healthier statistical sample sizes than the typical North American standards. Let's take a closer look at the numbers in Japan. For instance, the standard for Vitamin B12 levels to be considered "healthy" in Japan is between 800 to 1200 pmoL/Liter, whereas in North America, it falls between 115 to 500 pmoL/Liter. This is just the beginning, as there is so much more to explore. Even in Japan, they often don't test for the full range of omnipresent vitamins, minerals, essential fats, essential amino acids, and many others. However, it's important to note that Vitamin B12 plays a significant role as a co-factor substance in almost all biochemical reactions in human metabolism. This is just a glimpse into the vast differences in healthcare standards between Japan and North America.

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 It's a sad reality that biochemical imbalances affects both genders, yet it's a condition that can be treated effectively, but the medical bureaucracy in the Western world refuses to acknowledge the fact that "biochemical imbalances" is not something to do solely with brain chemistry as they virtually always advertise.  Why? because the brain is attached to the body, of course!  It's a perplexing situation for medical professionals who think they understand that men would readily seek medical attention for physical ailments like a broken bone or bronchitis, but hesitate to do the same for mental health issues. If medical practitioners could only understand the reluctance of men seeking help for their mind has more to do with the body, cellular health, diet and lifestyle rather than solely relying on endless prescriptions and eventual "relapse" and discontinuation of medications.  

It's not simply about improving one's well-being. For healthcare providers, it holds the power to save lives. The National Institute of Mental Health reveals a stark reality - men are almost four times more likely to die by suicide compared to women. However, there is hope. By prioritizing whole body healthcare rather than the current model of "sick care," practicing self-care, and seeking the help of root cause practitioners, we can undoubtedly make a significant impact on reducing the alarming suicide rates.

Typical "Mental Health" Scenario: Why People Avoid It

Have you ever wondered what happens to most people who either try to seek help or are forced to seek help?  Typically most people avoid any thought regarding the heavily commercialized and media fear-centered scenario of seeking help from Western medical practitioners.  This is because many people see their friends, family and media stories of depressed individuals committing suicide, people with various disorders, or those on the more extreme end murdering others in a so-called "psychotic break."   In these typical situations little to no science of any kind other than meaningless, fear-evoking labels such as "paranoid schizophrenia," "depression," "bipolar" without explaining why these unfortunate individuals possess these symptoms.  They don't explain the details as a botanist would for a plant if a plant could walk and talk in the human world.  

According to the latest brief report (Mental Health Has Bigger Challenges Than Stigma) from the Mental Health Million Project, an initiative by the nonprofit Sapien Labs to monitor the mental wellbeing of individuals worldwide, it has been revealed that 45% of individuals in the United States with a clinical-level mental problem choose not to seek professional assistance. The primary reason for not seeking professional intervention was a lack of trust in the mental health system, with 37% of individuals expressing this concern. Following closely behind was a lack of understanding about the type of help to seek, which accounted for 34% of respondents. Approximately 25% of U.S. participants faced financial barriers that hindered their access to mental health support, similar to the percentage of individuals worried about the stigma associated with seeking treatment.

The reality we have to realize is many people in these situations have already for weeks to years, been trying to often unknowingly self-medicate with drugs, alcohol, heavily refined food without realizing the interactions and implications for these unhealthy lifestyles.  Many people do even try to perform "miracle diets" of sorts with the lofty generalized goals of accomplishing some health outcome.  Many of these are in the form of generalized, short-term diets such as Carnivore, Keto and many others but many do not understand that they are not designed for the individual and often lead to more serious long term health problems.

Men Have Responsibilities & Don't Admit Many Problems

Acknowledging one's vulnerability is an essential aspect of seeking help. However, it raises a question - can one truly be strong while being vulnerable? Regrettably, the societal expectation for men to exhibit strength often clashes with the act of asking for assistance or admitting emotional struggles. Many men feel compelled to face their emotional battles alone, as seeking help may be perceived as a sign of surrender.

Men all around the globe are burdened by a significant gender issue, which is the tendency to associate help and vulnerability with weakness. This harmful mindset manifests in various detrimental and even toxic ways. The wisest leaders acknowledge the weaknesses of their forces and dedicate extensive time to analyzing vulnerabilities. They then take measures to strengthen those weak points. It would greatly contribute to the healing process if men recognized that vulnerability, including mental vulnerability, is a natural aspect of being human. It is not a sign of weakness, but rather a crucial factor in maintaining overall well-being.

Adults bear obligations. Numerous males, especially those who comprehend the significance of their earnings to their family's welfare, cite their obligations and employment as justifications for neglecting their mental well-being concerns. They fear that seeking treatment for a severe mental health disorder or an addiction linked to their mental health issues might hinder their ability to support their family or fulfill their responsibilities.

The fear of not being able to provide for their families is a common concern for both men and women. However, just like physical health issues, mental health crises can also hinder a person's ability to care for their loved ones. It's important to recognize that both physical and mental health problems are a natural part of life, and seeking help early on can prevent them from becoming more severe and interfering with our ability to provide for our families. Don't hesitate to seek help if you're struggling with a mental health issue.


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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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