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hair mineral analysis

We wonder why someone is being anxious, difficult, and sometimes violent?  The connection between nutrition and behavior is a significant one, with hair analysis being a useful tool in identifying and correcting cognitive, emotional, and behavioral imbalances.

You Don't Believe Me Right?

Higher-end veterinarians use hair analysis on animals, so why not humans? It's one of the cheapest ways to gauge your bodily mineral status mainly because it's been used so long by practitioners worldwide.

Why Test The Hair And Not Only Blood?

While blood tests are useful in determining various parameters such as cholesterol and hemoglobin levels, they do not offer the same information as hair analysis. Blood tests provide information about the mineral levels present in your body at the specific moment of the test. For instance, if you have recently consumed a banana, the test may show a high potassium level, even if you require additional potassium supplementation. Conversely, hair analysis results reflect your overall potassium levels, indicating the amount stored in your body over a period of time. Only the blood test taken at the time of the examination can accurately report the minerals currently being transported in your bloodstream.

Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum have been linked to behavioral dysfunctions and have neurotoxic effects. Unfortunately, these metals are widely dispersed in the environment and can easily pass through the placenta to unborn children.

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

Conditions like depression, allergies, attention deficit, and addictive tendencies often stem from a state of diminished energy. Hair analysis serves as a valuable tool in identifying and addressing issues such as sugar intolerance, imbalanced oxidation rate, and energy depletion. By pinpointing these underlying factors, hair analysis can guide the necessary corrections and restore optimal energy levels.

Did you know?


  • The levels of minerals in the blood are significantly lower compared to their levels in the tissues, with a difference of tenfold.
  • The human body maintains blood levels within a narrow range for multiple purposes, resulting in minimal variations in readings and limited informative value.
  • Blood tests can be influenced by daily fluctuations caused by factors such as dietary intake from the previous day and emotional states.
  • Blood tests mainly only show the cellular status OUTSIDE the cells, while hair mineral testing shows what's happening inside the cells.
  • The biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animal species is globally conducted through a standard test known as hair tissue mineral analysis. This technology is also utilized for detecting mineral levels in soil and rock samples.


You're Made Of Earth Elements Because You're Made Of What you Absorb

Children are particularly vulnerable due to their need for minerals for growth and development, and toxic elements can displace vital minerals like calcium and zinc. It's important to note that there is no safe level of heavy metals like lead, and toxicity is not easily detected by routine blood testing. Lead alone has been associated with over 20 conditions, including memory loss, cognitive impairment, and mood swings.

While progress has been made in reducing exposure to toxic metals, they continue to be a threat to both children and adults. Mercury from amalgam fillings, lead from paints and industrial waste, cadmium from smoke and water supplies, and copper from pipes and metabolic imbalances are just a few examples. It's crucial to be aware of these threats and take steps to minimize exposure to toxic metals for optimal health and well-being.

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Trace Mineral Imbalances

Trace minerals play a crucial role in our body by catalyzing and facilitating numerous enzyme reactions. These reactions are particularly important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Among these trace minerals, magnesium stands out as it facilitates hundreds of enzymes, including those responsible for energy production in every cell of our body.

Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is a widespread issue. It is often lacking in most diets, especially those that heavily rely on refined foods. However, incorporating magnesium into our diet can have both calming and energizing effects on our nervous system. Another essential trace mineral is zinc, and its deficiency is closely linked to emotional instability, mood swings, and anxiety.

hair mineral analysis1000 1 min

Interestingly, a zinc deficiency is often accompanied by an imbalance in copper levels. When copper is either excessive or unavailable to the body, it can lead to detachment, mood swings, depression, panic attacks, and even certain cases of schizophrenia. Furthermore, an imbalance in manganese levels has been associated with a specific form of schizophrenia.

Dr. Paul Eck's research has also revealed that other mineral excesses, such as high iron, can be linked to behavioral patterns like anger and hostility. To assess the presence of toxic metals and imbalances in trace minerals, hair mineral analysis is an excellent screening tool. It provides valuable insights into our overall health and helps identify any deficiencies or excesses that may be affecting our well-being.

Vitamins (micronutrients) & Amino Acids (Protein Classes)

The nervous system is a complex network that requires essential micronutrients and co-factors to function properly. Among these, B micronutrients have been shown to have the most direct and powerful effects on the nervous system. Dr. Abram Hoffer and other experts have demonstrated the remarkable impact of niacin and choline on the brain, reversing conditions like schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety states.

But vitamins (micronutrients) also have indirect effects that are just as important. Vitamin E, for example, helps with circulation and protects delicate enzymes, while vitamin C helps chelate toxic metals and lowers copper levels. Vitamin A works synergistically with zinc, and vitamin D assists with the absorption and utilization of calcium. All of these micronutrients play major roles in maintaining overall health, including that of the nervous system.

In addition to vitamins, amino acids like glutamine, taurine, and cysteine also play crucial roles in the central nervous system. By ensuring that your body gets the right nutrients, you can help support your nervous system and maintain optimal health.

Glucose Sensitivity

Dr. Robert Atkins, MD and other respected physicians have revealed a startling fact: more than half of Americans suffer from varying levels of sugar and carbohydrate intolerance. When our brain lacks sufficient glucose, it can lead to distressing mental and emotional symptoms. These symptoms encompass confusion, forgetfulness, difficulty focusing, irritability, and in extreme cases, even violence. It is crucial to note that a diet abundant in refined sugars exacerbates the problem of low blood sugar. However, deficiencies in essential nutrients such as chromium, manganese, zinc, vanadium, and B vitamins (micronutrients) also contribute significantly to the development of sugar and carbohydrate intolerance.

The Body's Oxidation Rate

The speed at which our body processes food is directly linked to our overall metabolic rate, which is regulated by the thyroid and adrenal glands. These glands are influenced by a variety of nutrient interactions, which can lead to imbalances in our oxidation rate. These imbalances can have a significant impact on our personality and behavior, but fortunately, they can be corrected by balancing our oxidation rate. If your oxidation rate is slow, you may experience symptoms such as apathy, fatigue, depression, introversion, and despair.

Unfortunately, over 80% of Americans have a slower than ideal oxidation rate. On the other hand, an extremely fast oxidation rate can lead to anxiety, paranoia, aggressiveness, extroversion, irritability, and nervousness. It's important to note that imbalances in our oxidation rate can also lead to sugar intolerance and various cravings, which can increase our tendency towards addiction. By balancing our oxidation rate, we can improve our overall health and well-being, and reduce our risk of developing these negative behaviors and traits.

Low & High Daily Energy

The energy pathway encompasses the various stages of converting food into ATP at the cellular level. This intricate process involves digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrient entry into cells, and cellular respiration through the Krebs and glycolysis cycles. Any disruption or imbalance in this energy pathway can significantly reduce the production of adaptive energy and potentially lead to pathological conditions. The brain, being a chemical organ, is particularly sensitive to even minor fluctuations in energy production.


If you're interested in learning more about the fascinating subject of nutrition and behavior, we highly recommend checking out some of the excellent books written by experts in the field. Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD's books are a great place to start, as are the works of Carl Pfeiffer, MD Ph.D. and Alexander Schauss, Ph.D. For a deeper dive into the impact of sugar on our health and behavior, we also recommend Pure, White and Deadly by John Yudkin. These books are sure to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge that can help you make informed decisions about your own health and wellbeing. Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your understanding of this important topic!

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