Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Have you ever measured your health like you do your bank statement?

I bet you haven't! You need proper measurements of your organs, tissues, and cellular nutrient levels. This is all for less than the cost of 2 pharmacy prescriptions!

Discover your health   No I'm not ready

health is wealth; diagrams and calculators
It's fascinating how much information we can gather from a person's teeth, even long after they've passed away. Teeth are incredibly resilient and can withstand harsh conditions for many years, making them a valuable tool for forensic analysis. By examining teeth, we can learn about a person's age, gender, overall health, and even their daily habits. Additionally, teeth can provide insight into a person's social interactions and potential causes of death. It's truly amazing how much we can learn from something as seemingly small as a tooth.

It's easy to get caught up in managing our bank accounts and investments, but neglecting our cellular nutritional status can have devastating consequences. Maintaining good dental health is heavily dependent on proper cellular nutrition. 

Consuming the Standard American Diet can prevent you from having healthy teeth and gums but so can eating "good food." Gone are the days of blaming "soft teeth" or "poor genetics" for dental issues. . Some individuals may argue that they can sacrifice their health now to make as much money as possible while they're young, and then take care of their health later in retirement. However, this approach is flawed. The aging process is exponential, meaning that the earlier you start implementing positive changes, the better. Additionally, some of the damage you may cause to your body during this time could be irreversible. Remember, you only have one body, so it's essential to prioritize your health.

The problem with many people is they become stuck in apathy, confusion because of the conflicting information they receive everywhere.  Their MD tells them very general advice for health but given very specific drugs to take, surgeries to perform when they develop ilness.  Make no mistake it tooks months to years to decades to get to a point of major or even minor illness that turns deadly because of this confusion and simply thinking "eat right, exercise, think positive" is enough.  They couldn't be more wrong because our bodies are less complex than plants and yet plants get more  invidualized attention than humans.  Many people work all their lives only to find out they die early with all this money in the bank they saved and invested their whole sub-clinincal symptomatic lives.  

While it's important to be financially responsible, it's not worth sacrificing your health. As someone who has prioritized my health, I can tell you that it's much more difficult to stay healthy and fit than it is to accumulate wealth.  That's mainly because of the toxic world we live in with terrible processed, mass produced food along with all the toxins and the over-representation of "sick care" in the medical model rather than real healthcare that lookings much deeper.

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

It takes active effort to pay more attention to "under the hood" of the body and exercise regularly, but the rewards are worth it. Remember, life is much sweeter when you have both health and wealth. Don't wait until it's too late to start taking care of yourself. Make your health a priority today.

We Forget We Aren't Robots

We often overlook the fact that our health holds greater significance than our wealth. Instead, we find ourselves relentlessly pursuing money, driven by the desires of our physical bodies, the distractions of our wandering minds, and the insatiable ego that craves superiority. In doing so, we lose sight of our true selves as human beings. Not only do we neglect our well-being, which should take precedence over material possessions, but we also fail to recognize our potential to connect with our divine souls. Rather than living a life of contentment and fulfillment, we find ourselves constantly striving for success without realizing that true enlightenment is the ultimate pinnacle. It is time for us to pause, reflect, and acknowledge the truth in order to find genuine happiness in our lives.

1. People Forget We Are Bio-Chemical Beings & Neglect Their Biochemistry

So many people out there attend different modalities with an almost religious zeal because the unscrupulous marketing of various health modalities such as chiropractic, massage therapy and many others. The reality is that these are all simply modalities that have reduced the body to sub-component parts (this is called reductionism) but forget about all th0e periodic table of elements (remember high school chemistry class?) that are constituents of the body.  Many modalities still neglect this fact as they still stick to the often fear-based and lopsided marketing that gets you into the door for repeat visits.  Real root cause health care tries to fix your issue on the first few visits by examining in detail your bio-chemistry, lifestyle and many other factors rather than adressing one component of the body.  The fact is our body consists of micro and macro-nutrients that are made from the periodic table of elements and we need to see if our bodies are obtaining what we need, what we don't, how to fix these along with the lifestyle influences.

It's surprising how often people overlook the effect of their diet on the pH levels in their mouth, even if they're generally healthy. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 12, with 7 being neutral. The lower the number, the more acidic the substance, which is why orange juice has a pH of 3 and black coffee has a pH of 5. Conversely, substances with higher numbers are less acidic, such as baking soda with a pH of 9.

When the body deviates too much from a pH level of 7, it can result in various negative health effects such as inflammation, headaches, fatigue, and ulcers. If left untreated, prolonged acidosis can even lead to more serious health conditions like arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and heart disease. However, by steering clear of acidic foods and adopting an alkaline diet, you not only maintain a balanced pH level but also safeguard your oral health. Interestingly, most acidic foods also tend to have added sugar, so eliminating them from your diet brings about multiple advantages.

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Indulging in convenience foods such as:

  • frozen dinners, cereals, and pre-packaged cakes
  • Quenching your thirst with soda and alcohol
  • Savoring the goodness of pasta, rice, and bread
  • Relishing the taste of cold cut meats Satisfying your sweet tooth with artificial sugars.

Swap these acidic choices with water, unprocessed whole foods, organic produce, natural sweeteners, and plant-based protein.  Again, it's easier said than done especially when you aren't getting the proper doses at the frequency you body needs to stay out of "negative feed back loops."  These loops mostly cause you to relapse back into your old habits.

2. Dental Health Is Wealth

Calcium! This is one of the major elements people think of when they imagine teeth.  This is indeed a major component of human teeth but there are many other co-factors that enable the calcium to be deposited in the correct places efficiently.  Many people completely forget their health is shown when they smile (if they do).  If you have poor dental health you should know it's not going to be kept in check by flossing, brushing and using fluoride dental paste.

These are all forgetting the connection between what goes into your body, what isn't coming out (toxins) and the body's ability to maintain and actually correct dental problems such as cavities, gum conditions, bad breath, and all the other dental procedures that stem from poor body health and lifestyle.  

Doesn't everyone desire a "million dollar smile?"  Your teeth are one of the first things that people see when you first encounter someone and becomes one of the first impressions people glean off you. 

To kickstart your journey towards better dental health, it's crucial to steer clear of sugary treats.  Many people don't know why they crave these foods and it's a much larger subject, but the main idea is that minerals are imbalanced along with the necessary co-factors that lead to dental but also body problems.

It's equally important to be intentional about incorporating specific foods into your diet that can strengthen your pearly whites. Foods packed with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins C and D are your teeth's best friends! Calcium works wonders for strong teeth and bones, phosphorus is a key player in enamel formation, and vitamins C and D lend a helping hand to gum health.

Make it a point to include low-fat dairy (preferably eliminate dairy), salmon, almonds, leafy greens, eggs, lean meat, citrus fruits, and tomatoes in your weekly meal plan. These tooth-friendly choices will not only nourish your body and mouth but also contribute to your overall well-being. So go ahead and savor these delicious options while giving your teeth and gums the care they deserve!  The problem with recommendations like this is it's general advice and not individualized to see if your'e actualling absorbing these substances or if there are other toxins in your body that are blocking the absorption of them in the body.

3. Bad Breath Is An Indicator Of Poor Social & Business Connections

General bad breath is commonly known as halitosis. However, dentists are trained to detect other distinct smells such as "fruity" or "fishy," which can indicate various underlying conditions.  Would you desire to interact with a potential social of business connection who has very poor breath?  I don't know many people that would and this is one of the first impressions new cohorts detect in you that sticks in their mind.  Lack of social and business connections usually is an indicator of a person who isn't able -- at the bare minimum -- take care of their health so why would you desire to do business with them?

"What many people do is throw breath mints into their mouths for halitosis (bad breath) but rarely find out why this problem has presented itself.  This is also called the reductionist approach in that they simply reduce the symptoms down to a temporary solution in a breath mint."

This is similar to what modern-day medicine does: it reduces the symptoms from the rest of the bodily system and prescribes drugs and often times this is long-term and told "there's nothing else we can do."  The truth is they are only trained to be acute practitioners.  Even if they had the resources, funding, they wouldn't be able to help you much more because of that training."

Dr. Arbeitman explains that "fruity" breath might suggest uncontrolled diabetes or an extreme dietary fast, while "fishy" breath could be a sign of kidney or liver failure. If the smell is particularly unpleasant, it could be attributed to conditions like gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), lung abscess, bronchitis, or even a tonsil stone. Why would this be connected to the state of the body? Because they're all connected.

Cavities Indicators Of Cellular Health

The enamel of decayed teeth contains elevated levels of both copper and cadmium, in comparison to healthy teeth. Fortunately, extra zinc serves as an effective antidote to counteract the high levels of copper and cadmium in all tissues of the body. In cases of zinc deficiency, the gums may become red and retracted, leading to pyorrhea. However, by practicing good dental hygiene and incorporating zinc and B6 into one's routine, the gums can regain their normal growth.


If you neglect your diet, skip exercise, ignore meditation, deprive yourself of sleep, and indulge in alcohol, smoking, or drugs, all while trying to save every penny for early retirement, you're putting your priorities in the wrong order. Being sick can be costly in terms of both money and time (and time is often equated to money), much more so than retiring early. Therefore, it's crucial for people to focus on minimizing behaviors that harm their health and maximizing positive lifestyle changes before prioritizing saving and investing money.

This may seem counterintuitive to some, but it actually makes financial sense. In fact, being healthy can greatly contribute to your happiness and productivity at work, potentially leading to higher pay raises and faster promotions. It can also reduce the frustration associated with having to work and increase the number of healthy years you can enjoy during retirement, ultimately decreasing the amount you'll need to spend on healthcare when you're older and require assistance.


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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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