Did you know your work health insurance is only sickness insurance?
Why don't you try real healthcare?

Simply "feeling fine" doesn't mean you are • Cell Nutrition is far more than food • There's no "magic bullets" to health

Have you ever measured your health like you do your bank statement?

I bet you haven't! You need proper measurements of your organs, tissues, and cellular nutrient levels. This is all for less than the cost of 2 pharmacy prescriptions!

Discover your health   No I'm not ready

mens health statistics

People in general, in my view, see life in a type of black vs white, polar opposite, consumerist mindset where everything and everyone needs to have some kind of label, including a formal name. In many other cultures throughout history and to the present day, this is not always the case. 


  1. Biochemistry of the body not only affects the mind but also body: both the same
  2. Hierarchy of needs
    1. Reality Redefined
  3. Leaky gut is real


Biochemistry of the body not only affects the mind but also body: both the same

Did you know your body biochemistry affects not only your body, but also your mind? Who would have thought! 9 out of 10 of us have nutrient deficiencies, and more than a few are generally low in all of us, including Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), B complex, B12, and many others, but these two are some of the most important. 

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Diagnosis Vs Healthy
What's The Difference?
"Diagnosis": "1 ounce of prevention is worth 1 pound of cure" is when your body breaks down the point to fit a specific criteria for 1 or more "dis-eases" to be labelled and then symptoms managed often with drugs and surgeries but rarely getting to the cause of the problem and negative feedback loops never stopped. This is the most expensive outcome.
Healthy: in its present definition, refers to the remarkable ability of biological systems to maintain stability while adapting to fluctuating external circumstances. Here you experience excellent cognitive and physical abilities. The primary method of achieving this is through prevention using a cellular nutritional approach called "medical nutrition." This is the lowest-cost outcome.

The important fact is the idea that we are statistically less likely to keep up a regular oral consumption regime of the nutrients we need because: a) there's not enough of it in the food you consume irregularly; b) when you do get it, you don't get it enough times throughout the day because of our previously-mentioned fact of the short half-life of water soluble substances; c) compliance and regular intake of these substances.  Please check out the "Start" menu at the top to read more about this, but it takes time to study the details.

Hierarchy of needs

What does the average person spend their 24 hours on earth each day doing, thinking about, and what occupies their minds most of that time? You guessed it: the hierarchy of needs, and the confusion between needs and wants. Do they ever try to delve deeper into the nature and meaning of things? I highly doubt it as we are not really trained to do such things from childhood in general as for the reasons stated above.

There are many facts of life that people would find disturbing for many reasons, but would significantly help explain many of the hidden or unnoticed processes happening all around us frequently unseen.

Reality Redefined

As you can probably see with the outrageous prices on especially housing in almost all parts of the world, along with the social confusion/strife, reality is not what people thought it was.  The politicians, policy-makers, bankers, "academics" and others who push more strife are basically trying to re-define what reality is.

  • 1 in 7 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
  • Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young Canadian men
  • Each year, more than 2,900 men die by suicide in Canada
  • In Canada, 3 out of 4 deaths by suicide are men
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadian males aged 15–44 years

Source: Movember Canada

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This donation will help others obtain individualized help who can't afford it.

There’s a gender gap when it comes to health — and men should be paying close attention. On average, Canadian men live four years less than Canadian women do. They’re also more likely to die from diabetes, heart disease and liver disease. So let’s take a deeper dive to find out what’s going on with men’s health in Canada, and discuss some simple health tips for men.




Leaky gut is real

Everyone one of us has a "leaky gut," but it is the severity of it that determines how harmful it is to your body and if you have the proper body environment to counteract the inflammation and other factors of naturally-occuring metabolism brings. As you can see from articles like this, there is a lot of pressure on trying to further distort the truth!

 https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/leaky-gut-syndrome/  You also see who funds these organizations by looking at the bottom right of the page: "Government of Canada"

While articles like this are buried deep within online searcheshttps://elemental.medium.com/everyone-has-a-leaky-gut-4fe1ce37cad


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confused man

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Still not convinced what we can offer you? Just think about it: you mainly only attend your MD office when you become sick. Do they tell you what you should be consuming or ridding your body of for your individual lifestyle and unique body chemistry?
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For a limited time we're offering a free cellular nutritional assessment (usually worth $50) for prevention and support of attempts to reverse health conditions. Contact us below for more information! Book your free assessment now! Also sign up for free email newsletter below